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2020-05-19 醉玲珑 来源:区块链网络



The Best State of economic development is to bring the rich all, from the side, lower the threshold of participants, which is conducive to the development of the platform, the first generation of the Internet created a lot of impossible, but there are still a majority of people can not enjoy this convenience, and access to the financial system. According to statistics, there are still nearly 2 billion people who do not have their own bank accounts. So registering an account is also a kind of threshold. NAKAMOTO's system can be run without the Internet. This is an interactive mode of SPV, on mobile phones, blockchains can be mobilized to operate. blockchains can allow the transfer of funds without providing citizenship, lower the threshold for opening accounts and investing, and better participate in starting a business, other places have used more money to keep the system going, so the value of the money is lower, and if the economy collapses it creates a financial crisis of unease and depression.

Before the Great Depression, the rich would have turned their money into a stable currency earlier, so this kind of low threshold payment would facilitate the reacquisition of resources, such as using bitcoin to pay for mobile phone recharging, simply by paying for a certain amount of money over the Internet, we can get what we want, the prosperity that the Internet has brought, and the people that we have, but the Internet needs to be more inclusive, and inclusion means protecting the rights of everyone, and our lives can be better built on trust, universal participation is a kind of tolerance, in addition to the ability to calculate high people can mine, ordinary people can also access bitcoins through mining machine, as long as participation, to contribute to the whole ecology, then there is corresponding incentive, so the blockchain technology of the future may be able to make inclusiveness more compatible and richer.


