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【第289期】#分布式账本利益# &“行情解读”&“PI网友观点摘录”

2020-07-23 醉玲珑 来源:区块链网络




We usually use a blood pressure meter to measure the pulse of the human body, usually 80 times. Similarly, the bitcoin network's billing cycle is 10 minutes, and the transaction is stored on a chain of blocks, end to end, the next block confirms the transactions of the previous block, and in order to prove uniqueness, the blockchain is also time stamped so that no one can change the super book if you need to change the current transaction record for Bitcoin, you have to do evil, you have to do over 51% , because most people are trusted to keep the books, and obviously the game of human nature is not to do evil, but to participate more in the construction, because it's a positive outcome. With a specific blockchain technology application, you can set up a new type of account book for your trading activities. This account book can record your academic credentials, identity information, marriage license, etc. , just by coding it, and most importantly, with a significant increase in throughput in the future, effective real-time transactions can be conducted, so that devices around the world can recognize and communicate with each other, and share certain levels of information about technology statistics or health care, the Global Internet of things is just getting started, and distributed trust can be a huge benefit for people in all industries, with respect to value streams, product traceability, property rights registration, financial transactions, and so on, blockchain based business APPS are sprouting up.






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