My dear friends, the coronavirus outbreak has spread to 46 countries other than China and now seems to be spreading faster everyday. No matter you are self-isolating at home or still at work, I fervently hope we all can overcome this tough challenge. 亲爱的小伙伴们,冠状病毒的爆发已蔓延到中国以外的46个国家,现在每天的传播速度都在不断的增加。无论你是在家还是在工作中自我隔离,我最真心的希望我们所有人都能克服这一艰巨的挑战。 Lately we have experience the crash in both traditional finance market and crypto world. Whether Bitcoin is a kind of safe-haven asset is still controversial. However, there is one decent, genuine crypto I would like to share with you, which is OKB coin. In this video I would like to give you an explanation about OKB and some facts I find about it. 在传统金融市场和加密货币世界中我们也经历了巨大的震荡。而比特币是否是一种避险资产的话题又一次引起众多争议。但是我最近发现一个还不错的,优质的数字通政想要与大家分享,它就是OKB。 在这个视频中,我会讲解OKB,并且把一些我发现的数据与你分享。 First of all, OKB is a platform trading token issued by OK Blockchain Foundation. It is a global utility token, which means, as a holder, you can enjoy different types of privileges of OKEx trading platform;?at the same time, you can use OKB in OKEx’s global eco-system. 首先,OKB是由OK区块链基金会OK Blockchain Foundation发行的平台币。他是一个全球通用的功能型代币,作为持有是可以享受OKEx交易平台的不同类型的特权。同时你可以在OKEx的全球生态系统中使用OKB. OKEx exchange, founded in 2017, is one of the top-3 global cryptocurrency exchanges by monthly volume?and provides services in over 100 countries.?It offers fiat-to-crypto and crypto-to-crypto trading. Also it allows you to have spot trading, margin trading,??futures and Perpetual Contracts and options. 成立于2017年的OKEx交易所, 按照月交易量,是世界排名前三的全球加密货币交易所之一. 并在100多个国家/地区提供服务。除了OTC和币币交易通道,OKex交易平台还可以让您进行现货交易,现货杠杆, 交割合约和永续合约及期权。 Back to the exchange’s token, OKB was initially issued on 23rd of March, 2018.? It was planed 1 billion issuance, after 300 million token had been gradually released, the management team decided to burn some amount of the OKB coins.?so one year later, on 2019 April,?they used 30% of transaction fee from OKEx spot market to buy back OKB gradually and send to a ‘black hole’ address to burn;On Feb 2020,? when OKChain testnet was launched, the team announced to burn the the rest? of 700 million unreleased tokens in Feb 10th 2020.?Which means, OKB coin is the only platform token which is fully in circulation. I also checked its historical price performance,? I find it is a healthy and reliable token,? and here is some numbers and facts I would love to share with you: 回到交易所代币本身,OKB在2018年3月23日首发, OKB计划发行10亿枚,首发3亿枚后团队决定销毁部分OKB. 所以一年后的2019年4月,他们使用来自OKEx现货市场的30%的交易费逐步回购OKB,并将其发送到“黑洞”地址进行销毁; 2020年2月,当OKChain测试网启动时,该团队宣布在2020年2月10日销毁其余的7亿尚未发行的代币。 这意味着,OKB代币是唯一完全流通的平台代币。我还看了它的历史价格表现,我发现这个平台币也比较健康,可靠.? 以下是一些数字和事实与大家分享: In this February, OKB coin raised to 7.55 USD, the total market cap reached 2.1 billion USD, entered TOP 10 List of Cryptocurrency. Also in this Feb, the monthly transaction volume exceeded 10 billion U.S. Dollars.?There are 8 fiat gateways for OKB, besides China Yuan, US Dollars,? users can use Korean Won and Vietnamese Dong, Indonesian Rupiah, Euro and Russian Ruble to trade OKB. The number of OKB’s global ecosystem partners reached 50 and 37 application scenarios for OKB’s usage. 今年2月,OKB币升至7.55美元,总市值达到21亿美元,进入加密货币排名的前十名。同样在这个二月,OKB的月交易额超过100亿美元。OKB有8条法币通道,用户可以使用韩元和越南盾,印尼盾,欧元和俄罗斯卢布来交易OKB。OKB的全球生态系统合作伙伴数量达到50家,应用场景超过37种。 From this chart we can see wallet like Legder,? Cobo are supporting OKB, security, daily service and entertainment apps such as Certick, Tripio, Cryptomall, and BitTorrent, FirmaChain are also in OKB’s eco system. 从这张图表我们可以看到像Legder,Cobo这样的钱包支持OKB存储,安全类,日常服务和娱乐应用,例如Certick,Tripio,Cryptomall 还有BitTorrent,FirmaChain也在OKB的生态系统中 By July 2019, the countries with OKB users exceeded 100 with a 1 million people global community, including traders and social media followers.?As I mentioned earlier, In February 2020, 700 million unissued OKB were burned, therefore, OKB is fully in circulation and in an absolute deflation. 到2019年7月,拥有OKB用户的国家地区已超过100个,拥有100万人口的全球社区,包括用户和社交媒体粉丝。正如我之前提到的,2020年2月,未发行的7亿OKB被烧毁, 因此,OKB处于完全流通状态,并且处于绝对通缩状态。 With its nature, an exchange platform utility token, OKB’s usage scenarios are include: Transaction Fee Discount, OKEx Jumpstart (exchange platform crowdfunding projects), Delegated Merchants, OKB Spot Margin Trading, Savings function, Voting rights, OKChain’s genesis token give away and etc. 而作为交易所平台币的本质,OKB的使用场景包括:交易费用折扣,OKEx Jumpstart,委托代理,OKB现货/杠杆交易,储蓄功能,投票权,OKChain的创始代币映射等。 According to the information and facts we have found, OKB is coin born within a top tier exchange platform, with sophisticated application scenario.?It is in full circulation and an absolute deflation. I do believe OKB coin has great potential, in terms of value and price. 根据我们发现的信息和事实,OKB是诞生于顶级数字货币交易平台中,有着丰富和成熟的应用场景。它处于全流通状态,并且处于绝对通缩的状态。我相信OKB在价值和价格方面都具有巨大的潜力。 Thank you for watching,This is Camille, from Shanghai. 感谢你的收看,我是Camille,在上海。 ![]() —- 编译者/作者:Camille区块链大表姐 玩币圈申明:玩币圈作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币圈平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
2020-04-01 Camille区块链大表姐 来源:区块链网络
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