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2020-06-25 醉玲珑 来源:区块链网络




It is true that there are very few books to be used and very few places to be used, but all the storage and output methods are thick and thin. In real life, most of our scenarios are performed by a single activity. It is impossible to produce millions of TPS outputs, but can our available resources be used in our spare time to rent or sell on the chain? Eight big waste are: bad waste, manufacturing waste, processing waste, handling waste, inventory waste, waiting for waste, action waste, management waste. Idling can be understood as waiting for waste and inventory waste, the reality of waste cases, in the United States 80 million electric drill use the average time of 13 minutes, do we really need everyone with a set of electric drill? The answer is no, but the cost of renting a hand drill in the United States is close to 80% of the cost price, so if you are, you would not want to rent someone else's hand drill, so some people see here, can not help but appeal, there is no such thing as a sharing economy, so why can't these inventory wastes be fully exploited by others? Because there is no corresponding standard management system to guide the positive. In a decentralized value transfer protocol, we can safely conduct equivalent transactions with each other, and these transactions are detailed in the blockchain superbook, where we put all the unused merchandise time, such as computer space, idle call time or the lease of a house, and so on to register on the chain, these real idle resources into a digital asset, users can search Taobao like price comparison transactions, unlike real world physical goods, this virtual resource is outside the usual transaction sequence, so we can also set access rights to transfer these rights and resources to the people who need them, with public-key infrastructure, we can track online payments accurately and in real time, much like with shared bikes, but with shared bikes and Didi systems, we can't introduce more service resources, so the blockchain application platform is also an inclusive platform, it can accommodate all kinds of resources, and transform them on the chain into tradable digital assets, so that the economy of metering may appear, because standard management was formed.




从15分钟曲线可以看出,比特币从从9278美元大幅度上涨9785美元,然后逐渐回落9673美元,行情像梅雨一样,绵绵不断,继续等待庄家的变盘,近期波动剧烈,小编结论很简单,没有金叉,没有支撑点,没有抛盘点,最近关注了7月4号的 VOICE,感觉可能会搞事情如果需要免费梯子,可以加小编VX1093628138,备注梯子。话题之外,快要到了腾讯游戏嘉年华,25号例如DNF,不要忘记领取活动奖励,最近直播带货很火,接下来全世界都在直播带货。



