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2020-07-09 醉玲珑 来源:区块链网络




The opportunity presented by Blockchain APPS is like opening Pandora's box all around us. The Central Bank recently announced that it is accelerating the development of digital money, it means that we will soon be able to experience the convenience and advantages of cryptocurrencies. We can find out how many digital currencies have been issued and when banks have overissued them, new Opportunities, values, business models, challenges, and so on will come to finance, education, insurance, electronics, and so on. How do you, as a manager of a company, respond to the changes brought about by this new technology? We need to do things on both sides of the blockchain to realize new opportunities while minimizing all threats, and we're all looking for ways to leverage our assets and resources to achieve greater value, whether in terms of operations or management, the IOT blockchain can bring greater efficiency and opportunity, and we need to deploy these business models in advance. For physical resources, we can bring more value to the community as a whole, which can be seen as an autonomous network, where we need to flag and set parameters, we can try to empower, embed valuable programming, and gather useful new information from IOT SMART blockchain applications, so that new product service models may emerge if that information serves others, that way we can get paid for things like renting out valuable resources and high value equipment, and we can connect these infrastructure networks together, point to point supply chains to deliver higher value, the market needs to provide services, competitors constantly appear, and continuously generate new value for users is very sticky, using existing skills, resources and block chain technology to achieve a new business model is our goal, so there are three challenges for management: Organizational Dysfunction (threat) , technical interoperability (opportunity) , and barriers to analysis (direction of effort) .





近期波动剧烈,小编结论很简单,没有金叉,没有支撑点,没有抛盘点,最近关注了 VOICE,可惜没有大中华区的事情,感觉以后会搞事情如果需要免费梯子,可以加小编VX1093628138,备注梯子。另GOC正在重新登录治理舞台,PI也可以关注一下,对于用户来说或许是一种机会,加微信进入木星群。



