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what is ethtrade

1. Google2014年度热搜榜中的科技元素:Flappy Bird、iPhone 6和比特币

...要丰富得多。Google 公布了包括总排行和 41 个分类排行。其中较有特色的是What is(什么是)、How to(如何做)和Place on Google Maps等榜单。位列前两个榜单榜首的问题分别是什么是 ALS(冰桶挑战赛)和如何使用Airdrop。而美国人在 Google Map 上查询最多的地址是沃尔玛。看看他们常去的地方,有没有觉得好熟悉  ...


2. Soul of Libra

In the past few weeks,?there are lots of discussions and elaborations about what Libra is trying to do. It is self-explained what Libra wants to achieve from its white paper,?and the whole concept is pretty comprehended and straightforward as well. Though the application could be payment,settlement and clearance,?as what Libra proposed or some other scenario that we didn’t find the mass adoption...


3. Moonbirds:已向持有者空投what is real? x Moonbirds: PFP

律动 BlockBeats 消息,5 月 13 日,Moonbirds 官方宣布已向持有者空投 what is real? x Moonbirds: PFP。并提醒用户,默认情况下可能隐藏在 OpenSea 上(授权取消隐藏)。


4. SwiBank 创新的加密资产担保生态系统

... it was a world that fascinated me. Decentralization returns economic power to the people.Shirley:What is your opinion on Defi?Jorge:In short, DeFi is a tool that allows us to make traditional banking systems decentralized, preventing regulatory entities from abusing your privacy and rights. All this from open source that people can review and understand.DeFi lets the people regain control of ...


5. What is the Nature of Blockchain?

What is the Nature of Blockchain?Since stumbling into the blockchain space in June 2017, I have witnessed myriads of industrial cycles, the prevalent price surge, blockades of exchanges in September 4, 2017, the unexpected bull market at the end of 2017, and the protracted bear market through the year.The boom of altcoins, the explosion of ICOs, the rivalry among the public blockchains, the franti...


6. What is the Nature of Blockchain Games?

...he fact. If we would like to be smarter than others, it is necessary to contemplate two questions:- What is the nature of a game?- What is the essential difference between blockchain games and traditional games?To figure out the second question, we must first understand the nature of the blockchain and the nature of the game, because only by mastering them can we know what chemical reaction is pro...


7. ROAD国际社群AMA回顾

...以下是本次AMA的精彩回顾,快来看看都聊了啥?1.ROAD technology was born to solve what problems? Is your market really potential? @cailozma1900ROAD的使命和目标是什么?您的市场潜力有多大?@ cailozma1900答:ROAD是一个基于商业驱动的车联网区块链项目,以自主研发的智能硬件设备为基础,打造了核心产品汽车账本,瞄准全...


8. 千字解析區塊鏈

...ed? Sick ofhearing nonsense like SHA256 algorithms and byzantine fault tolerance? Just want to know what the hell blockchain is and why people keep talking about it?試圖瞭解區塊鏈有沒有讓您迷茫和困惑?討厭聽到像SHA256算法和拜占庭式容錯之類的廢話嗎?只想知道到底什麼是區塊鏈,為什麼人們一直在談論它?Well you’re in luck. In this articl...


9. Blockchainexplainedin1000words千字解析區塊鏈

...ed? Sick ofhearing nonsense like SHA256 algorithms and byzantine fault tolerance? Just want to know what the hell blockchain is and why people keep talking about it?試圖瞭解區塊鏈有沒有讓您迷茫和困惑?討厭聽到像SHA256算法和拜占庭式容錯之類的廢話嗎?只想知道到底什麼是區塊鏈,為什麼人們一直在談論它?Well you’re in luck. In this articl...


10. Vswap如何打造多链DEX提供最佳资产交易

...心开发组会继续努力搭建重要框架。海带:The competition of DEX in DeFi is fierce. What are the characteristics and advantages of Vswap in terms of team, technology, operation, etc.?DeFi里DEX的竞争很激烈,Vswap在团队、技术、运营等方面会有哪些特点、优势JP:Vswap developers are a global collaborative organization, which is different from the traditional ...


11. Beep币扑PlanB第六期2020加密市场Kyle你怎么看?

主题:What to expect from crypto market in 2020? Kyle,你怎么看?时间:1月17日,午12点分享嘉宾:Kyle Samani,Multicoin Capital联合创始人主持人:Kara,Beep币扑联合创始人拷问团:陈威廉,社区KOL;巴韭特,巴韭特社区主理人;Timmy Yang,独立投资人Plan B:Beep重磅打造的一档原生大V对话区块链大咖的线上AMA节目导语...


12. Beep币扑 Plan B第六期:2020加密市场-Kyle,你怎么看?

主题:What to expect from crypto market in 2020? Kyle,你怎么看?时间:1月17日,午12点分享嘉宾:Kyle Samani,Multicoin Capital联合创始人主持人:Kara,Beep币扑联合创始人拷问团:陈威廉,社区KOL;巴韭特,巴韭特社区主理人;Timmy Yang,独立投资人Plan B:Beep重磅打造的一档原生大V对话区块链大咖的线上AMA节目导语...


13. 揭秘MANTRADAO的野心集成DeFi+DAO+DOT让用户坐享双重利

...based on Rio chain. In face of many underlying platforms, why Rio chain? In addition to MANTRA?DAO, what other applications are on the Rio chain now? We all know that after the launch of RIO testnet, RIO has become the note of Kusama, and then Polkadot in progress. How is MANTRA?DAO’s relationship with Kusama and Polkadot? What kind of support will they give to the team?)答: MANTRA DAO将...


14. 揭秘MANTRA DAO的野心:集成DeFi+DAO+DOT,让用户坐享双重利息

... based on Rio chain. In face of many underlying platforms, why Rio chain? In addition to MANTRADAO, what other applications are on the Rio chain now? We all know that after the launch of RIO testnet, RIO has become the note of Kusama, and then Polkadot in progress. How is MANTRADAO’s relationship with Kusama and Polkadot? What kind of support will they give to the team?)答: MANTRA DAO将是...


15. Pi一旦进入第3阶段就会有很多人在哭泣!

...在哭泣!全文内容看下面The way I understand crypto and managing Your account is to protect what you have. So to me that means not to keep all of your balance in one place.?A little here and some there. Small stack some where else.?I think they call it managing your assets.?Spend someInvest some?Save some?And the only one that can be responsible for that is each one of us.?Time is going to ...
