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bitcoin test

1. Translated version of test.txtdiv.big{border-width: 2px 0 0;border-style: solid}div.small{border-wid

Bitcoin mining is one of the activities that has the greatest demand for electricity. And, the need to use specialized devices for mining, due to its complexity. It has led to the creation of instruments that require large amounts of energy to be able to solve cryptographic operations and execute transactions. The centralization of Bitcoin One of the main criticisms that have emerged against Bit...


2. 比特币2MB分叉仅仅只是改一行代码么?

...   ... MAX_BLOCK_SIZE=2000000   如果你修改完后重新进行编译,再运行Bitcoin Core,那么它就会奏效。你的计算机会下载整个区块链,将与网络上的其他计算机互操作运算,也不会出现什么问题。   如果你的计算机正在将交易装配到区块当中(如果你是独自solo挖矿,或者你是一位矿池运营者),...


3. BIP91是什么,矿池如何支持?

...何人均可以自由选择这两个软件,这里简单介绍一下btc1(https://github.com/btc1/bitcoin)和segsignal(https://github.com/segsignal/bitcoin)。   btc1是有Jeff Garzik主导开发的执行纽约共识的软件,从Core的代码库fork出来,并在其上增加了两个主要功能:BIP91和2MB硬分叉。其BIP91部分的代码主要由James完成。如果你支持2MB硬...


4. 维基链WICC|项目进展周报第68期

...讲。同期峰会受邀演讲嘉宾共有50+,皆为业内领尖人物如Binance CEO 赵长鹏;Bitcoin.com CEO Roger Ver 以及NEO创始人 达鸿飞 等;峰会期间,全球曝光、线上互动与投资者及各类媒体直接对话,敬请期待。5月19日维基链CTO 陈晓东受邀将出席区块链亚洲峰会(Crypto Asia Summit)日本站并与业内顶尖领军者进行行业...


5. 区块链大型巡回播放【第24期】#元素链# &“行情解读”&“PI网友观点摘录”

...签名,大幅度减少区块链存储容量的要求。The element chain is a side chain of the Bitcoin test chain, launched in July 2015, and serves as a reference side chain. It is mainly used to demonstrate the technology and provide a testing environment, more like a pilot base, through the joint signature to transfer to the side chain, thus generating signature blocks. Element chain as a pi...


6. 七号矿场把握未来

... currencies have become more and more fashionable. At first, Filecoin released a product to replace Bitcoin, in order to keep changing the current digital finance and payment transaction software with Bitcoin. Both currencies have caused great harm to Bitcoin. Sudden emergence is very puzzling, but it is basically impossible to swing bitcoin from the source. The currency struggle is not over, and ...


7. 维基链WICC|2020年4月项目进展月报

...发表演讲。同期峰会受邀演讲嘉宾共有50+,皆为业内领尖人物如Binance CEO;Bitcoin.com CEO以及NEO 创始人等;维基链CEO将于峰会期间与业内顶尖领军者进行行业讨论圆桌会议。峰会期间,全球曝光,线上互动,与投资者,及各类媒体直接对话,敬请期待;维基链海外社群持续扩张,相比4月新增电报社群成员...


8. 维基链WICC | 2020年4月项目进展月报

...发表演讲。同期峰会受邀演讲嘉宾共有50+,皆为业内领尖人物如Binance CEO;Bitcoin.com CEO以及NEO 创始人等;维基链CEO将于峰会期间与业内顶尖领军者进行行业讨论圆桌会议。峰会期间,全球曝光,线上互动,与投资者,及各类媒体直接对话,敬请期待;维基链海外社群持续扩张,相比4月新增电报社群成员...


9. 比特币核心版本0.9.3rc1发布

  昨日,全球比特币最大论坛Bitcointalk的比特币讨论区的一个帖子称,比特币核心(Bitcoin Core)版本0.9.3 rc1已经可以下载安装使用,下载地址为:https://bitcoin.org/bin/0.9.3/test/   该版本是新修订版本的候选版本(测试版),相关bug可以在Github提交:https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues   该测试版本...


10. bloXroute Labs推出BDN V1,通过更快传播区块和交易来扩展区块链!支持ETH和BCH

...功通过数次测试,包括ETH挖矿测试(ETH Mining Test), 比特币现金矿工测试 (Bitcoin Cash Miner Test) ,和 Akomba Labs测试(Akomba Labs Test),它们均展示了BDN 优化区块链网络基础设施的优势。11月中旬,BDN 网络投入使用,并与一小部分合作伙伴进行了测试,该软件现已在DockerHub, PyPi和 Github中公开提供。 BDN...


11. 追踪和管理数字资产新姿势,教你学会查看区块链账单



12. 巴士因子——发现加密货币领域中的单点故障

...统及其历史也给出了深入的介绍,这些文档散落在不同的来源,比如GitHub、Bitcoin Developer Guide或StackExchange(链接8,9,10)。但尽管有开源文化,作为投资者,你应该注意到至少五个方面的关键人物风险,这些风险频繁出现于加密货币项目中。或许还有更多,这些只是我注意到的方面。愿景许多加密货币项...


13. Komod科莫多11月项目总结



14. 比特币价格与时间存在关系?一文读懂比特币价值的对数增长模型

原文:《伪造比特币价值的对数增长模型》(Falsifying the log growth model of Bitcoin value) 摘要 本文探讨了时间与比特币价格之间是否存在关系。针对最小二乘假设,对提出的双对数(log-log)模型[1,2&3]进行了统计有效性检验,使用Engle-Granger方法进行协整,以确保每个变量的平稳性以及潜在的虚假关系。...


15. Will Bitcoin Reach $4200 Before Stabilizing at $6900?

2 As the year nears its end, some analysts are giving bleak predictions about the price of Bitcoin. Earlier in Nov, Bitcoin had seemingly reached its bottom and some expected new highs by the end of the year; however, the price of the cryptocurrency never picked up the pace as was expected. Now, it seems that a bearish future is upon the cryptocurrency market given the worrying trend some anal...
