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1. 5G时代带动涡轮蜂巢矿机

...rdinary people can participate in the new infrastructure by virtue of IPFS and Filecoin!涡轮蜂巢矿机,摒弃传统矿机需要集群、质押挖矿,锁仓、回本周期长,服务器、机房、耗电等不可抗拒的因素。瑞士机械工程师应用比希涡轮增压发动机加速的原理,通过众筹蜂巢矿机的方式建立庞大的IPFS集群开启AI智能蜂巢矿机模式...


2. 涡轮蜂巢矿机的存储模式

...forward 5G new infrastructure, no one did the infrastructure construction of blockchain.涡轮蜂巢矿机由区块链联盟涡轮社区发起,联合美国灰度基金Grayscale Investment及全球名列前50家IPFS矿商进行紧密合作,共同推动IPFS(FIL)的全球共识。The turbine honeycomb miner was initiated by the blockchain alliance turbine community, and cooperated closely wit...


3. 目前涡轮蜂巢矿机是最主流的模式

...ial experts believe that IPFS is the final form of blockchain development in the future.涡轮蜂巢矿机由区块链联盟涡轮社区发起,联合美国灰度基金Grayscale Investment及全球名列前50家IPFS矿商进行紧密合作,共同推动IPFS(FIL)的全球共识。The turbine honeycomb miner was initiated by the blockchain alliance turbine community, and cooperated closely wit...


4. IPFS下的涡轮蜂巢矿机

...t safely and stably every day, and then wait for the market to appreciate in the future.涡轮蜂巢矿机由区块链联盟涡轮社区发起,联合美国灰度基金Grayscale Investment及全球名列前50家IPFS矿商进行紧密合作,共同推动IPFS(FIL)的全球共识。The turbine honeycomb miner was initiated by the blockchain alliance turbine community, and cooperated closely wit...


5. IPFS乘势而上涡轮蜂巢矿机前景可期

... problems, it will not affect the whole file, and users will always get a complete file.涡轮蜂巢矿机由区块链联盟涡轮社区发起,联合美国灰度基金Grayscale Investment及全球名列前50家IPFS矿商进行紧密合作,共同推动IPFS(FIL)的全球共识。The turbine honeycomb miner was initiated by the blockchain alliance turbine community, and cooperated closely wit...


6. 紧急公告:Swarm官方不建议更新BeeV0.6.1版本



7. 比特币现金(BCH)开采过于疲弱,难以持续

...分时,它继承了SHA-256哈希函数。一方面,两个网络看起来足够有竞争力,而矿机从一个网络流入另一个网络。 BCH persisting as SHA-256 while being 1% of bitcoin’s hashpower makes it extremely insecure. The only reason it continues is because the BCH founders believe it is necessary to retain SHA-256 in order to masquerade as “the real bitcoin.” dennis ?...


8. SegWit2X Fiasco下线发出警告两年

...的尝试。现在,对有争议的分叉的最大担心影响到以太坊(ETH),在这里以矿机的影响很大,未经开发商的批准可能会继续支持链。 SegWit2x was never a great idea, maybe at that time it seems so but one can only look at Eth to see how bad a hard fork could have been to bitcoin. Paul kilanko (@miiyuwa) November 17, 2019 在2019年11月17日,SegWit2x...


9. Whitecoin白币将于10月10日开启兑换

...工所有的收益将统一打入Whitecoin Foundation进行锁仓,并在后期返还给社区。 矿机:XWC的矿机在基于POS3.0的Whitecoin将可继续挖矿直至兑换全部结束。基于RPOS的Whitecoin新主链将采用质押挖矿的模型,原有的树莓派矿机不能支撑此项功能。 Whitecoin的新时代已经开启,让我们共同参与,共创自治的社区。 Whitec...


10. 2021年将是涡轮蜂巢矿机爆发的一年

...vantages. IPFS project is very reliable, and the platform chosen is also very important.涡轮蜂巢矿机,摒弃传统矿机需要集群、质押挖矿,锁仓、回本周期长,服务器、机房、耗电等不可抗拒的因素。瑞士机械工程师应用比希涡轮增压发动机加速的原理,通过众筹蜂巢矿机的方式建立庞大的IPFS集群开启AI智能蜂巢矿机模式...


11. 走在前端的涡轮蜂巢矿机

...echnology application white paper series, will achieve distributed storage applications.涡轮蜂巢矿机由区块链联盟涡轮社区发起,联合美国灰度基金Grayscale Investment及全球名列前50家IPFS矿商进行紧密合作,共同推动IPFS(FIL)的全球共识。The Turbine Hive mine was initiated by the Blockchain Alliance Turbine Community to work closely with Grayscale In...


12. 涡轮蜂巢矿机造就一切不可能

...规模经济Filecoin网络旨在奖励不同水平的参与者——从大型数据中心到拥有矿机的地方中小企业者都可以参与。The Filecoin main network has been started. Join the network to make deals, store data and get FIL rewards. Filecon network allows anyone to become a storage provider and make profits by providing hard disk space to achieve economies of scale. Filecon ne...


13. 涡轮蜂巢矿机价值体系

...盈利。采矿收益可以分为三部分,第一部分是返还利润,第二部分是购买采矿机器,第三部分是持有金币,然后以理想的价格出售。当然,这是一种架构策略,它取决于Filecoin加密货币的经济参数及其二级市场的供求状况。As a miner, we should first avoid risks, and then consider profits. Mining income can be divided into three...


14. 比特币完成减半之后,超 50% 矿机已关机或濒临关机状态

...比特币减半后,按当前币价计算,在非丰水期电价(0.37 元)情况下,蚂蚁矿机 S19 Pro、神马 M30S+、芯动矿机 T4+等新一代高算力矿机电费占比已几乎达到 50%,净收益较比特币减半前的 90 元/天下降约 30%,当前收益仅为 30 元/天。而同样也是刚推出不久的新矿机 S17 系列,神马 M31s 系列等每日净收益已不足...


15. 比特币完成减半之后,超50%矿机已关机或濒临关机状态

...比特币减半后,按当前币价计算,在非丰水期电价(0.37 元)情况下,蚂蚁矿机 S19 Pro、神马 M30S+、芯动矿机 T4+等新一代高算力矿机电费占比已几乎达到 50%,净收益较比特币减半前的 90 元/天下降约 30%,当前收益仅为 30 元/天。而同样也是刚推出不久的新矿机 S17 系列,神马 M31s 系列等每日净收益已不足...
