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close bit

1. 比特币总量2100万的原因分析

...入了其他的改进)使用了普通数。   【答案7】   That explanation is close but not entirely compelling. IEEE double-precision floating-point format has 53 bits of significand precision, meaning it can address up to 253 − 1 satoshis without any rounding error. Well, that’s 9,007,199,254,740,991 satoshis, which is not anywhere close to 2,100,000,000,000,000 s...


2. 2020美国程序员薪资报告(英文)

...for?publishing.??Merging?will?publish?to:?https://shazow.net/posts/${{?github.event.issue.title?}}??Closes?#${{?github.event.issue.number?}}??reviewers:?${{?github.repository_owner?}}??commit-message:?"post:?${{?github.event.issue.title?}}"ResultWhen my blog post draft is ready, I add the tag and the Github action takes it away, creating a pull request:The pull request automatically pings me as a ...


3. Kevacoin brief and how to mine

...computer's OS. My laptop runs Windows10 64bit version, so I download the Windows 10 version.Step 2: close your security software and install the exe file you just downloaded.Step 3: After the installtion, click finish button to run kevacoin client.Step 4: Once the Kevacoin client is running, set the client to download and update the blockchain data on your local computer. This step will take aroun...


4. 以旷工视角带你一起领略AlphaHomorav2

...的仓位进行更多的操作,包括Add(添加)、Remove(移除)、Harvest(收割)和Close(平仓),用户可以点击 "Your Positions(你的仓位) ",在页面下方进行操作。Add(添加流动性):允许用户在现有仓位上添加更多的抵押物。Remove(移除):允许用户从仓位中提取部分抵押物,并偿还贷款。Harvest(收割): ...


5. 重要判断指标趋势找黑马

a0=highest(high,9) - lowest(low,9);a1=highest(high,9) - close;a2=close - lowest(low,9);a3=a1 / a0 * 100 - 70;a4=(close - lowest(low,60)) / (highest(high,60) - lowest(low,60)) * 100;a5=(2 * close + high + low) / 4;a6=sma(a2 / a0 * 100,3,1);a7=lowest(low,34);a8=sma(a6,3,1) - sma(a3,9,1);a9=ifelse(a8 > 100,a8 - 100,0);aa=highest(high,34);ab=a9 * 2;ac=ema((a5 - a7) / (aa - a7) * 100,13);ad=ema(0.667 *...


6. 比特币10月收盘价约为9300美元此后将看涨还是看跌?



7. Akropolis流动性挖矿第二周详细报告

...了我们的社区手中。第1周的奖励会发布。第一次奖励分配是在9月2日。Delphi Closed Beta + DEX pools (八月 10–24)Delphi Open Beta (八月 24–30)DEX pools — Balancer, Uniswap, Mooniswap (八月 24–30)我们在Nansen.ai的朋友发布了一个Delphi Dashboard,显示了以下内容:自发布以来,Delphi已获得649位用户,截至目前,这些用户拥有AK...


8. 点宽专栏-破解波动性突破实盘系统

...以盈利为佳。1.2波动性突破系统的文华财经源码:TR:= MAX(MAX((HIGH-LOW),ABS(REF(CLOSE,?1)-HIGH)), ABS (REF(CLOSE,?1)-LOW));ATR := MA(TR,?10);DT:=CLOSE>REF(CLOSE, l)+REF(ATR, l)×1.5;KT:=CLOSEREF(CLOSE, l)+REF(ATR, l)×1.5,?2)=1&&DT:KT2:=COUNT(CLOSE<REF(CLOSE,?1)-REF(ATR, l)×1.5,?2)=1&&KT:DT,BPK;KT,SPK;CROSS (BARSLAST (DT),N) || DT2, SP;CROSS (BARSLAST (KT),N) || KT2,...


9. Pine语言快速入门(五)三种退出订单(平仓)的方法

...三种退出订单()平仓的方法做个区分。三个功能非常相近的退出订单函数是close(),close_all()和exit()。首先看下官方手册对三个函数的解释:1、strateg.close()这是从具有指定ID名称的条目持仓订单退出的命令。 如果有多个具有相同ID的挂单,则所有这些订单将立即退出。 如果在命令被触发时没有具有指定ID...


10. 点宽专栏-DualThrust交易策略

...Range = Max(HH-LC,HC-LL)来描述震荡区间的大小。其中HH是N日High的最高价,LC是N日Close的最低价,HC是N日Close的最高价,LL是N日Low的最低价。1.2具体原理公式:1、首先计算:(1)N日High的最高价HH, N日Close的最低价LC;(2)N日Close的最高价HC,N日Low的最低价LL;(3)Range = Max(HH-LC,HC-LL)(4)BuyLine = Open + K1×Range(5)SellLine = Open + K2×...


11. 点宽专栏——PivotPoint交易法

...,适用于大成交量的商品,也适用于Day Trade。1.2原理公式:pivot:= (high + low +?close) /?3; (用前一天的最高、最低和收盘)r1:=?2×pivot - low;s1:=?2×pivot - high;r2:= pivot + (r1-s1);s2:= pivot - (r1-s1);r3:= high - (2×(low - pivot));s3:= low - (2×(high - pivot));sm1:=(pivot+s1)/2;sm2:=(s1+s2)/2;sm3:=(s2+s3)/2;rm1:=(pivot+r1)/2;rm2:=(r1+r2)/2;rm3:=(r2+r3)/2;pi...


12. 我们为什么用GO语言来做区块链?

...aitGroupworkCh := make(chan *validateTxWork, txSize)resultCh := make(chan *ValidateTxResult, txSize)closeCh := make(chan struct{})for i := 0; i <= validateWorkerNum && i < txSize; i++ {wg.Add(1)go validateTxWorker(workCh, resultCh, closeCh, &wg)} ?//sent the worksfor i, tx := range txs {workCh <- &validateTxWork{i: i, tx: tx, block: block}} ?//collect validate resultsresul...


13. 千里取胜、轻松超越

源代码:ema6=ma(close,6);ema18=ma(close,18);ema55=ma(close,55);ema144=ma(close,144);ema250=ma(close,250);ema288=ma(close,288);中线买入=count(close < ema18,5) == 4 && close / ema18 > 1.004 && isCrossUp(close,ema18) && ema18 >= refBefore(ema18,1);drawText(中线买入,low * 0.95," ←中线买入",color="red");vl=refBefore(low,1);var12=(sma(abs(low - vl),13,1)) / (sma(max(low - vl,0),13,1...


14. 天河彩虹主图指标



15. 如何使用TradingView编写简单指标

...博用户「对冲机器」</blockquote>代码:study("CB-BN basis", overlay = false)//Uses candle closes for difference so best accuracy on lower timeframspremium = security("COINBASE:BTCUSD", timeframe.period, close) - security("BINANCE:BTCUSDT", timeframe.period, close)premiumPercent = (premium/close)*100plot(premiumPercent, color = iff(premium &gt;= 0, color.blue, color.red))plot(0, color = c...
