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1. Layer 2 Summer Show introduces DeGate

Layer 2 Summer Show introduces DeGate- a Layer 2 DEX


2. Project PAI 技术路线全球社区直播要点回顾(2020年5月16日)

...estream was successfully held!At the livestream, the president of Project PAI Foundation, Chuck Ng, introduced Project PAI's archivements, R&D team and global community since 2020. Nikhil Jain, the co-founder of ObEN and core contributor to PAI, introduced the products and technical plans for PAI chain, and released the PAI Global Developer Fund. PAI core contributor Dr. Mark Harvilla and PAI ...


3. Gate.io全项通过CoinMetrics交易量可信度测试

...十四家可信任的现货交易量交易所之一。测试报告原文:https://coinmetrics.io/introducing-coin-metrics-trusted-volume-framework/测试报告PDF:https://gimg.b.live/anns/coinmetrics.io-Introducing Coin Metrics Trusted Volume Framework.pdf测试结果:关于Coin MetricsCoin Metrics成立于2017年,是一站式加密金融数据提供商,致力于用数据使客户更好...


4. VeriArti为400万个WooCommerce商店推出VET付款



5. Gate.io全项通过Coin Metrics交易量可信度测试

...十四家可信任的现货交易量交易所之一。测试报告原文:https://coinmetrics.io/introducing-coin-metrics-trusted-volume-framework/测试报告PDF:https://gimg.b.live/anns/coinmetrics.io-Introducing Coin Metrics Trusted Volume Framework.pdf测试结果:关于Coin MetricsCoin Metrics成立于2017年,是一站式加密金融数据提供商,致力于用数据使客户更好...


6. MyTrade与KrystalAMA回顾

...接受Krystal英文社区加密资产爱好者的提问,以下是精彩内容回顾:Q1: Please introduce yourself.DZ:Hi everyone, I am DZ, a Canadian. I entered the crypto space during the last bull run in 2017. Prior to starting MyTrade, myself and a few cofounders incubated and invested in some crypto projects, and had a wide variety of businesses serving Centralized exchanges (CEXs). It's...


7. 众交易所可信度如何?CoinMetrics交易量可信度测试为你揭晓

...全可靠、真实透明的数字资产交易服务。测试报告原文:https://coinmetrics.io/introducing-coin-metrics-trusted-volume-framework/测试报告PDF:https://gimg.b.live/anns/coinmetrics.io-Introducing Coin Metrics Trusted Volume Framework.pdf


8. 英国FCA AR牌照有哪些监管范围

...下面小编来介绍一下,FCA AR,关于他的监管范围以及办理的条件。01 什么是Introducer ARAR,即Appointed Representative,一般可以翻译成委任代表或授权代表(以下全文将简称AR)。FCA的AR指的是那些由受FCA监管公司(这里我们称之为委托主体)授权行事的公司或个人,该公司或个人并不直接受FCA监管。对于想要...

知识:FCA,FCA AR,英国FCA AR,外汇牌照

9. CreamFinance被闪电攻击损失1900万美元

...8.8 million in the latest flash loan exploit of the Cream Finance protocol through a reentrancy bug introduced by the Amp token, according to an investigation by blockchain security firm PeckShield.Announcing the news Monday, Cream Finance said that the protocol has stopped the exploit by pausing supply and borrow contracts on the Amp token. “No other markets were affected,” Cream Finance stat...


10. Keycard和Status App: 连接Status网络的桥梁

...Keycard//Status 公告6Keycard Twitter 7Keycard GitHub8参考链接https://our.status.im/status-app-introduces-integration-with-keycard/https://keycard.tech/docs/https://our.status.im/breaking-down-the-private-secure-messenger/https://discuss.status.im/t/keycard-for-payments-proof-of-concept-and-a-demo/1590https://status.im/gethttps://our.status.im/status-app-introduces-integration-with-keycard/ht...


11. Gate.io芝麻开门全项通过Coin Metrics交易量可信度测试

...十四家可信任的现货交易量交易所之一。测试报告原文:https://coinmetrics.io/introducing-coin-metrics-trusted-volume-framework/测试报告PDF:https://gimg.b.live/anns/coinmetrics.io-Introducing Coin Metrics Trusted Volume Framework.pdf测试结果:关于Coin MetricsCoin Metrics成立于2017年,是一站式加密金融数据提供商,致力于用数据使客户更好...


12. 加密阁AMA - PROXI

...幸邀请到了PROXI的市场营销负责人 Paul来跟大家探讨。Welcome Paul欢迎 PaulLet me introduce you to the PROXI project我来介绍下PROXI 这个项目项目:PROXI DeFi网站:proxidefi.comWIKI:wiki.proxidefi.comPROXI是专注于信用借贷和跨链衍生品发行的第二代DeFi协议(DeFi 2.0)。PROXI将通过安全的开放式协议为用户和投资者提供最高效...


13. OCX's two-year anniversary exploration of "Silk Road" in the industry

...d future development direction of the industry. In this meeting, Wang Jun, partner of OCX exchange, introduced the development history, concept and future planning of OCX exchange to the participants on the stage, and focused on the upcoming and launched activities of OCX, which attracted the attention of many institutions, project parties and communities.After the meeting, OCX team organized an o...


14. FCS五色石|项目半月报(2020.5.16-2020.5.31)

...ine Classroom" were launched on May 23 and 30, respectively.The seventh?"Online Classroom"?programs?introduces the concept and characteristics of state channel technology, and focuses on explaining the application and advantages of state channel technology in FCS ecological chain.?The eighth "Online Classroom"?programs?introduces the difference between consortium blockchain and public blockchain, ...


15. 对话vEmpireDDAO:创新的元宇宙+DeFi

...providing trading and investment services among various digital assets.The AMA held by BKEX aims to introduce users to the best quality projects, the most cutting-edge news and the hottest markets. It directly talks to the projects themselves and gives the most accurate first-hand news to the users so that they can get the market dividends in time.今天,我们邀请到了 vEmpire DDAO 的CEO—...
