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1. Is Bitcoin Really Untethered?



2. 比特币玩家访谈录之Really

  Really算是业内的一个名人了,他的真聊比特币博客和微博都有很多人关注。比特人有幸邀请到他接受我们的采访,以下是访谈内容:   1、 可以简述一下你从认识比特币到现在的经历吗,就是一些你认为比较重要的节点   对于认识比特币到现在的经历,我曾经写过一篇简短的小文《写...


3. 发现Dash Merchant Directory iOS应用程序发布,其中包括关键审阅功能

Really Bad Apps已发布了流行的Discover Dash商家目录的iOS版本,其中包括要求很高的商家评测功能。 移动应用程序开发公司Really Bad Apps已为Discover Dash发布了iOS应用程序,Discover Dash是全球Dash接受商家欢迎的上市网站。这是六个月前发布的先前发布的Android版本的补充。根据Really Bad Apps产品副总裁Matthew Carlstrom...


4. 播客:Meltem Demirors谈比特币所代表的三件事

...hose characteristics of other social movements that sort of emerged that are leaderless that become really powerful. And by the way throughout history, a lot of revolutions have been started by pseudonymous or anonymous creators, writers who have hidden or obfuscated their names. And so, I think there’s this interesting sort of tension there where a lot of people try to reduce or simplify bitcoi...


5. AMPL:披着“骗局”外衣的“比特币杀手”

原文戳这里(????)=?AMPL — The BTC killer that really really really looks like a Ponzi, but isn’t.使用加密货币的每个人都应该阅读和理解我在本文中谈到的代币。这种代币看起来像一个骗局,然而,如果你了解它是如何运作的,你会发现它根本不是,它只是处在一个初始阶段。这种代币是AMPL - Ampleforth.org。你可能已经...


6. nicolas2月26号圆周率日计划群聊频道的发言罕见发飙

...次,反复提问KYC的问题,尼古拉斯情绪失控、措辞激烈。他第一次说“I am really sorry”(我真的很对不起),第二次又说“I really apologize”(我真诚地谢罪),随后,尼古拉斯发飙,他说“I have to delete messages”、“I will delete”(谁再提KYC,我就删除谁的信息)。——原因分析——尼古拉斯情绪失控、措...


7. 谁会想到?EOS创始人BM发声:和谷歌云合作的“目的”是为了减少 Chinese 矿工【

... out well for Google, then other companies will want to get involved and then that has potential to really transform the image of EOS instead of being a perceived as a group of uh Chinese of questionable quality。翻译:如果Google cloud合作好的话,其它公司也会想要参与。那样就有可能转变人们心中对EOS的观念,而不是作为有质量问题中-国的一个集团...


8. 次时代文化与网络谜团下的虚拟潮流界对话RTFKT:虚拟潮流及NFT

...r psychology in this Meme event?Answer:When we saw Elon’s Musks Cybertruck, we fell in love. We really wanted to be involved in the movement into a cyber future. Once we created the Cybersneaker design, we all thought how cool would it be if Elon wore these….. So we made it happen our way.By doing this, we created our own really, based on millions of views on internet, creating internet cult...


9. DeFi会怎样战胜CeFi?

...本市场仍然饱受缺乏标准合同条款和定价思路的困扰,有些唏嘘。Is Uniswap Really Decentralized? https://insights.glassnode.com/uni-token-is-uniswap-really-decentralized/@Hope:SWRV和CRV的不同境遇引人深思,到底怎么进行代币分发确实是一个很值得研究的问题。而这次UNI交出的答卷是否让人满意呢?Defi的公平启动真的“公平...


10. SBF分享Alameda投资理念:加密世界喜欢多头,项目长期发展更值得关注

...s conviction.But when we _do_ have conviction:we will sometimes fight like hell for the projects we really believe in.13) So what happens when things crash?IDK for marginal investments.But for the most exciting ones: we don't panic sell.We buy, from panic sellers.Sometime we buy a lot.14) We:--provide liquidity--help with listings--give lots of advice--provide buy-side support--reach out to potent...


11. 为什么在比特币赌场玩而不是在常规的在线赌场玩

...cryptocurrencies will be used, there is also no need to disclose any banking information. This just really helps players to avoid fraudulent activities. The traceability of the funds that they have also help a lot to ensure safety. <ul> <li>To avoid restrictions based on location</li> </ul> One of the problems that many gamblers face online is the limit that they get whenever they want to play ou...


12. 【第268期】“万物联网难题”&amp;“行情解读”

...s, and blackberry has pioneered the commercialization of smartphones, by 2007, APPLE'S IPHONE 4 had really taken the smartphone by storm. These devices share a number of features, such as sensing, measurement, communication, positioning, monitoring, identification, and other new technologies that allow all devices to interact together. These devices communicate with each other, and the Internet al...


13. 沉浸式收藏平台TerraVirtua如何颠覆NFT市场|AMA回顾

...Gamification, 3D, AR and the innovations we have seen in the NFT and DeFi spaces. We want people to really truly be able to interact with their digital collectibles which is why we are the first NFT project to develop NFTs in 3D! We really do believe this will be a game changer and something that no one else is doing!Gary:我们的NFT市场生态系统将可以在多个平台之间进行互动...


14. Andre Cronje 的速度与激情 I YFI 创始人

...有失败,关键是那些成功的日后变得非常成功(the key is for the ones that work to really really work)。参考资料:[1]Andre Cronje DeFi Architect, The FTX Podcast[2]Exclusive: YFI’s Andre Cronje is tired, broke and close to quitting DeFi, Decrypt[3]Andre Cronje and the Philosophy of Yearn Finance, Uncommon Core Podcast[4]DeFi Builder Andre Cronje Isn't Going Anywhere (For...


15. 2021Web3.0训练营Gavin开幕式致辞(附中英文演讲稿)

...n and Ethereum. So we've also made huge amounts of progress in Frame. There's an awful lot of extra really useful functionality in Frame now. In particular, the version two of the Frame API, which really I think it will be of great help to people whose skills are not so mature, and it will allow those who want to make, build new chains a much easier time, because it's so much more like idiomatic R...
