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Sunny King:PPC和BTC侧链研究方向的不同

2014-08-29 lg15x 来源:比特时代

  这篇对话中,Sunny King(时代小编注:此人为PPC的作者)说到,他在研究的侧链偏重于在侧链上进行数据的应用,这种数据的应用提供了一个通用的结构,使开发者更容易建立诸如Namecoin,Bitshares,Peershares这类的应用和服务。(原话是:Sunny King: Basically everything you see outside currency transactions (namecoin, ripple, bitshare, peershare etc) and a lot more. My main goal is to provide a common infrastructure to make it easier for developers to create such services.)

  与比特币在研究的侧链的不同之处在于,比特币侧链研究的方向是主链与侧链之间的货币转移。而PPC侧链的研究方向是,将侧链作为去中心化的数据库,可链接到通用基础的货币,以支持各种应用。(原话是:Sunny King:I think my focus is somewhat different from bitcoin's side, I am not really putting any effort into cross-chain coin transfer. Rather I see the sidechain platform as a decentralized database solution with some link to a common base currency.)






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