《加油站》28期访谈实录: Patricia:My name is Arseniy Grusha and I am the United States Ambassador for Bitcoin Diamond. I am honored to be with you today for the 499AMA,I heard it’s a fantastic community. Here today i wonna talk about The Having of BitcoinDiamond,and also the invest chance for the crypto industry. I will also be presenting a new initiative that is instrumental in our vision for the future. 我叫Arseniy Grusha,我现在是美国比特币钻石的美国代表。很荣幸今天与您一起参加499AMA,听说这是一个很棒的社区。 今天在这里,我将谈论比特币钻石的减半,以及加密行业的投资机会。我还将提出一项新计划,该计划对我们的未来构想至关重要。 How about give me a brief introduction, what is the BitcoinDiamond? 给我一个简短的介绍,什么是BitcoinDiamond? Arseniy:Well let’s start with some big picture. Did you know that an estimated 1.7 billion adults do not have a bank account? World Bank found that the top reasons cited were that “Accounts are too expensive,” “Financial institutions are too far away,” and that these adults lacked the necessary documentation or had a lack of trust in financial institutions. Bitcoin Diamond addresses these issues head on and provides a viable solution for unbanked and underserved people around the world. With lightning fast transactions, highly diluted transaction fees, and ten times as much supply as other leading Bitcoin forks, Bitcoin Diamond prioritizes trust, accessibility, and affordability. In an age where many people are forced to serve money, Bitcoin Diamond is a currency that serves the people. Since Satoshi Nakamoto published the first Bitcoin whitepaper in 2009, cryptocurrency has experienced considerable growth as people around the world have embraced it as the future of currency. 好吧,让我们从大局开始。 您是否知道估计有17亿成年人没有银行帐户?世界银行发现,最主要的原因是“账户太贵”,“金融机构距离太远”,以及这些成年人缺乏必要的文件或对金融机构的信任。Bitcoin Diamond可以立即解决这些问题,并为世界各地没有银行服务和服务不足的人们提供可行的解决方案。 凭借闪电般的快速交易,高度摊薄的交易费以及比其他领先的比特币分叉高十倍的供应量,比特币钻石优先考虑了信任,可访问性和可负担性。在许多人被迫服务金钱的时代,比特币钻石是为人民服务的货币。 自中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)在2009年发布第一张比特币白皮书以来,随着世界各地人们将其视为货币的未来,加密货币经历了可观的增长。 Patricia:What's the difference between Bitcoindiamond and other projects? 比特币钻石与其他项目有什么区别? Arseniy:I would say BCD is a very different project,if i may i will copy some basic imformation for you guys to review. #1 - Bitcoin Diamond is fast. Bitcoin has been known to take a long time to confirm transactions due to its small blocksize of just one megabyte. Bitcoin Diamond uses eight megabyte blocks, making transaction processing times up to five times faster than Bitcoin. This, paired with the Lightning Network, allows Bitcoin Diamond users to make transactions in real time. #2 - Bitcoin Diamond is affordable. Bitcoin Diamond also makes day-to-day digital transactions affordable. Because of the increased supply and fast transaction times, Bitcoin Diamond transaction fees are substantially lower than Bitcoin. While it is often too costly to make small, everyday transactions with Bitcoin, Bitcoin Diamond is designed to support these transactions, making it possible for anyone to use. #3 - Bitcoin Diamond is secure. In an age where cyber criminals are targeting cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin Diamond is secure against attacks thanks to replay protection. Bitcoin Diamond also uses BIP 44, a master private key under which users can manage their balances, ensuring the safety of their funds. The large supply of coins also gives Bitcoin Diamond security against market volatility, making it especially attractive for people in nations where fiat currency is unpredictable. As you can see with all of these differentiating features, Bitcoin Diamond equips the world’s unbanked and underserved population with a digital currency that truly suits their needs. Unlike their existing financial options, using Bitcoin Diamond is affordable, convenient, inclusive, and trustworthy thanks to its decentralized blockchain and security features. 我会说BCD是一个非常不同的项目,如果可以的话,我将复制一些基本信息供大家审核。 #1-比特币钻石很快。众所周知,由于比特币的块大小很小,只有一兆字节,因此确认交易需要很长时间。比特币钻石使用8兆字节的块,使交易处理时间比比特币快五倍。结合闪电网络,比特币钻石用户可以实时进行交易。 #2-比特币钻石负担得起。比特币钻石还使日常数字交易负担得起。由于供应增加和交易时间短,比特币钻石交易费用大大低于比特币。尽管使用比特币进行日常小额交易通常过于昂贵,但比特币钻石旨在支持这些交易,从而使任何人都可以使用。 #3-比特币钻石是安全的。在网络犯罪分子瞄准加密货币的时代,借助重播保护功能,比特币钻石可抵御攻击。比特币钻石还使用BIP 44,这是一个主私钥,用户可以在其中管理余额,从而确保资金安全。大量的硬币供应也使比特币钻石具有抵抗市场波动的安全性,使其对于法定货币难以预测的国家的人们特别有吸引力。 如您所见,具有所有这些与众不同的功能,比特币钻石为世界上没有银行服务和服务不足的人们提供了真正适合他们需求的数字货币。与他们现有的财务选择不同,由于其分散的区块链和安全功能,使用Bitcoin Diamond是负担得起,方便,包容且可信赖的。 Patricia:What are the unique features of BCD? BCD的独特功能是什么? Arseniy:In addition to the Fundamentals I mentioned above, the biggest feature of BCD is our persistence in promoting and devoting in payment applications. After two years of operation and develop,BitcoinDiamond community built a solid mainnet and generated BCDpay,BCDbazaar and BCDpay .These gives customers access to a wide range of products from across the world by accepting payments in Bitcoin Diamond (BCD) or Bitcoin (BTC). BitcoinDiamond will keep Inherit the vision of Bitcoin and commitment to built a decentralized personal finance. 除了我上面提到的基础知识外,BCD的最大特点是我们坚持促进和致力于支付应用程序。 经过两年的运营和发展,BitcoinDiamond社区建立了一个坚实的主网并生成了BCDpay,BCDbazaar和BCDpay。通过接受比特币钻石(BCD)或比特币(BTC)的付款,客户可以访问世界各地的多种产品。 BitcoinDiamond将继续继承比特币的愿景,并致力于建立去中心化的个人理财业务。 Patricia:The fork coin like BCH/BSV/BCD?What is their role in this industry? 像BCH / BSV / BCD这样的分叉硬币?它们在这个行业中扮演什么角色? Arseniy:As you can see there are serval fork coin like BCH,BSV,BTG.together with more than 30% of market volunm.compare to the all different idea smart contract or some tech-coin never come ture,fork coin are still in the main stage frankly. Let’s make a quick example for BitcoinDiamond,BCDis a friendly fork of Bitcoin that occurs at the predetermined height of block 495866 and therewith a new chain will be generated as the BCD. Miners begin creating blocks with a new proof-of-work algorithm, and will consecutively develop and improve the transaction speed based on original features of BTC. But we are all different ways to achieve Satoshi vision——whcih is is a peer to peer digital cash,just with many different ways. 正如您所看到的那样,有BCH,BSV,BTG之类的服务性分叉币,以及超过30%的市场交易量。相比于所有不同的想法,智能合约或某些从未出现过的技术币,叉币仍然是主要货币坦率地说。 让我们为比特币钻石做一个简单的例子,BCD它是一个友好的比特币分叉,出现在块495866的预定高度处,并随之生成一个新的链作为BCD。矿工开始使用新的工作量证明算法创建区块,并将基于BTC的原始功能连续开发和提高交易速度。 但是,实现Satoshi愿景的方法不尽相同,这是点对点的数字现金,只是有许多不同的方式。 Patricia:The topic for today si Halving, what will brings to BCD for the Halving in quite near future? 今天的减半话题是什么,在不久的将来,BCD将为减半带来什么? Arseniy:The team behind Bitcoin Diamond has recently received a lot of enquiries about the upcoming block halving event and we would like to clarify and provide some insight about the future event. In short a halving event is a method to refine the value of a cryptocurrency by reducing the amount of coins gained via each block BTC (12.5 to 6.25) and with Bitcoin Diamond (125 to 62.5). By reducing the amount of new coins found with each block the current circulating supply gains more value, this system is in place to help future scalability as mass adaptation would limit decentralization if said currency was too easy to obtain. For an example that shows this system works, when Bitcoin first started anyone with a laptop or personal computer could mine a few a week if not more. Adoption was low and the value was only around one cent since it was such an easy commodity to acquire, once popularity started to grow around Bitcoin it became much harder to obtain due to increased mining efforts in the community thus increasing the value. Bitcoin Diamond will follow suit halving at block 630,000 mimicking Bitcoin, which is estimated to happen on the 18th of May, Bitcoin diamond will halve two months later due to Hashrate differences between the two separate coins and other factors, We estimate Bitcoin Diamond will halve on the 29th of July. This ideology also works in halving, making the required asset harder to acquire; increasing the value of all current coins in circulation and rewarding early adopters. These price increases also encourage trading and new users to join in on adaptation to acquire the asset before it becomes too hard to personally obtain via mining or other methods. In short the upcoming halving is not an event to be feared but instead celebrated since it rewards early investors and helps promote growth and widespread adoption, it’s a system that will help Cryptocurrency extend well into the future. 比特币钻石背后的团队最近收到了有关即将到来的区块减半事件的大量咨询,我们想澄清一下并提供有关未来事件的一些见解。 简而言之,减半事件是一种通过减少通过每个区块BTC(12.5至6.25)和使用比特币钻石(125至62.5)获得的硬币数量来改善加密货币价值的方法。 通过减少在每个区块中发现的新硬币数量,当前的循环供应获得了更大的价值,该系统可以帮助将来的可扩展性,因为如果太容易获得该货币,大规模的适应将限制权力下放。 例如,显示该系统有效的示例是,当比特币首次启动时,任何使用笔记本电脑或个人计算机的人都可以在一周内挖矿,甚至更多。收养率很低,而且价值仅约一美分,因为它是一种很容易获得的商品,一旦比特币开始流行起来,由于社区中采矿工作的增加,获取就变得越来越难,从而增加了价值。 比特币钻石将在模仿区块链的区块630,000处减半,估计在5月18日发生,由于两个单独硬币之间的哈希率差异和其他因素,比特币钻石将在两个月后减半,我们估计比特币钻石将减半7月29日。 这种思想也可以减半,使所需资产更难获得。增加当前流通的所有硬币的价值并奖励早期采用者。 这些价格上涨还鼓励交易和新用户加入适应,以在资产变得难以通过采矿或其他方法亲自获得之前对其进行收购。 简而言之,即将到来的减半并不是一个值得担心的事件,而是值得庆祝的,因为它奖励了早期投资者并帮助促进了增长和广泛采用,这是一个有助于数字货币扩展到未来的系统。 Patricia:what is the status of bitcoin diamond options and community building? Community seems pretty active. 比特币钻石选择权和社区建设的现状如何?社区看上去很活跃。 Arseniy:I would say we got the best community in crypto,they are the real artist,i should share something right now. Bitcoin Diamond is designed to be a better Bitcoin, accessible for anyone in the world to use. Bitcoin Diamond is ranked in the top 60 coins on Coin Market Cap, with millions of dollars in daily trading volume. We have also pursued several new exchanges to have them list Bitcoin Diamond. Bitcoin Diamond is decentralized with multiple mining pool partners We have taken interest in the Korean market, launching several initiatives here. In September 2018, we partnered with MagicPay to open the BCD Bazaar store in Nonhyeon-dong as a crypto exclusive retail store. Bitcoin Diamond was also listed by Korean exchanges Bithumb, TREBIT, and Accec. Going into 2020, we are looking forward to engaging even more with the Korean blockchain community. Also we have large community in South Asia,North America,Middle American.there is all different kinds of events ,and payment application. As a cryptocurrency organization, the majority of our community engagement is naturally online-based. But that doesn’t mean it needs to be exclusively digital. Over the past year and a half, we have hosted multiple meetups in New York City. These have been excellent opportunities to dialogue about the direction of the BCD Foundation and listen to ideas and feedback from the BCD community. We have also devoted time to keeping our own web presence relevant, with a refreshed brand, regularly published articles and blog posts, interactive roadmap updates, and informative new content blocks. Another important part of our online presence is engaging with the global crypto community on social media. Through channels like Facebook, Twitter and Telegram, we interact directly with the very people who are driving the adoption of Bitcoin Diamond. We have several commercial video to promote in the US, the result is pretty good,lots of marchent join the BCDpay system. 我想说我们拥有最好的加密货币社区,他们是真正的艺术家,我现在应该分享一些东西。 比特币钻石旨在成为更好的比特币,世界上任何人都可以使用。 比特币钻石在硬币市值排名中排名前60位,日交易量达数百万美元。我们还寻求一些新的交易所让他们列出比特币钻石。 比特币钻石与多个矿池合作伙伴去中心化 我们对韩国市场产生了兴趣,在这里发起了一些举措。2018年9月,我们与MagicPay合作在Nonhyeon-dong开设了BCD Bazaar商店,作为加密货币独家零售商店。韩国交易所Bithumb,TREBIT和Accec还列出了比特币钻石。进入2020年,我们期待与韩国区块链社区进一步合作。 另外,我们在南亚,北美洲,中美洲都有大型社区。这里有各种各样的活动和付款应用程序。 作为一个加密货币组织,我们大多数社区参与活动自然都是基于在线的。但这并不意味着它必须完全是数字的。在过去的一年半中,我们在纽约市举办了多次聚会。这些都是就BCD基金会的发展方向进行对话,倾听BCD社区的想法和反馈的绝佳机会。 我们还花费时间来保持我们自己的网络存在相关性,包括更新的品牌,定期发布的文章和博客文章,交互式路线图更新以及内容丰富的新内容块。 我们在线业务的另一个重要部分是与社交媒体上的全球加密社区互动。通过Facebook,Twitter和Telegram等渠道,我们直接与推动采用比特币钻石的人们直接互动。 我们有几个在美国推广的商业视频,效果很好,很多marchent都加入了BCDpay系统。 Patricia:I herd there are hundreds of merchants supported by BCDpay payment system, which is the most active support for small and medium-sized merchants in crypto indusrty . Why is that? 听说BCDpay支付系统中支持数百个商人,这是对加密行业中的中小型商人最积极的支持。这是为什么? Arseniy:The Bitcoin Diamond Foundation’s mission is to make digital currency accessible and usable for everyone, regardless of their economic status, country of origin, or level of ability.So our goal is not some big oversea corps,but the real_world small business, someone says this should start with big,but no one heard some big company support Alibaba,Jack Ma start everything from beginning,that’s the same thing in crypto ,even in all kind of business.that’s why we choose the small business and brands. Through the BCD Pay initiative, more than 140 established online merchants have started accepting Bitcoin Diamond payments, with 20 more currently in the pipeline. BCD payments have been adopted by retailers in a wide range of industries, including automotive, beauty, electronics, grocery, home improvement, jewelry, sporting goods, online services, apparel, and gaming. I would say ,no project like BCD can support so much small business regardless the cost. And that's the only way to forward the indusrty,but just few people do it. 比特币钻石基金会的使命是使每个人都能使用和使用数字货币,而不论其经济地位,原籍国或能力水平如何。因此,我们的目标不是一些大型海外公司,而是现实中的小型企业,有人说应该从大公司开始,但没人听说过有大公司支持阿里巴巴,马云从头开始。这在加密领域,甚至在所有业务中都是一样。这就是为什么我们选择小企业和品牌。 通过BCD Pay计划,已有140多家成熟的在线商家开始接受比特币钻石支付,目前还有20多家正在筹划中。 BCD付款已被众多行业的零售商采用,包括汽车,美容,电子,杂货,家居装饰,珠宝,体育用品,在线服务,服装和游戏。 我会说,无论成本如何,像BCD这样的项目都无法支持这么多的小型企业。 这是推进行业的唯一方法,但是很少有人这样做。 Patricia:What is the future direction of BCD technology development? What's the usage? BCD技术发展的未来方向是什么?作用是什么? Arseniy:in the future we will develop the Anonymity and privacy function,which is optional and very easy to use.We will also make some changes in the algorithm to ensure that users participate in mining more equitably and resist some industry risks. 将来,我们将开发匿名和隐私功能,该功能是可选的,并且非常易于使用。我们还将对算法进行一些更改,以确保用户更公平地参与挖掘并抵制一些行业风险。 Patricia:Any good news from BCD in qiute nea future? BCD近期有什么规划吗? Arseniy:Over the past year and a half, one of our major goals has been to increase the presence of Bitcoin Diamond in the global e-commerce market. In September 2018, we announced the launch of BCD Bazaar, a pioneering e-commerce store where consumers around the world can use Bitcoin Diamond to access premium products from leading marketplaces like Amazon. The launch of BCD Bazaar was promoted by news sources such as Yahoo Finance and Business Insider and was an important launching pad for our foray into e-commerce. In June 2019, popular crypto payment processor CoinPayments announced that it would be integrating BCD payment processing for worldwide use by its merchants. In their announcement, CoinPayments praised BCD’s alignment with Satoshi Nakamoto’s original vision and our focus on widespread adoption. These are all application part of the entire BCD vision, in the future we will develop the Anonymity and privacy function,which is optional and very easy to use. I thingk i don’t need to make everything detail because you will find it out in the news.by that time the price will be sky high i guess.that will be a big move i would say. 在过去的一年半中,我们的主要目标之一是增加全球电子商务市场中比特币钻石的存在。 2018年9月,我们宣布推出BCD Bazaar,这是一家开创性的电子商务商店,世界各地的消费者都可以在这里使用比特币钻石来访问来自领先市场(如亚马逊)的优质产品。BCD Bazaar的推出受到诸如Yahoo Finance和Business Insider等新闻来源的推动,并且是我们进军电子商务的重要起点。 2019年6月,流行的加密支付处理器CoinPayments宣布将整合BCD付款处理以供其商家在全球范围内使用。在他们的公告中,CoinPayments赞扬了BCD与中本聪的最初构想以及我们对广泛采用的关注。 这些都是整个BCD愿景的应用部分,将来我们将开发匿名性和隐私功能,该功能是可选的并且非常易于使用。我想我不需要做所有细节,因为您会在新闻中发现它。到那时,我想价格会高得惊人。我会说这是一个大动作。 Patricia:Any recent good news we will hear from BCD? BCD最近有什么利好消息吗? Arseniy:Thanks for everyone listen for me that long text.everyone in the very end deserve a big bonus. Guess what i’m gonna give you one. We will recently list a very good exchange.it’s a very unique product to share profit of Btc price moving and with leverage.This is a very unique product, you will love it. 谢谢大家听我的这么长的文字。最后每个人都应得到丰厚的回报。 我给大家分享一个。最近,我们将列出一个非常好的交易所。这是一个非常独特的产品,可以利用BTC价格变动和杠杆收益来分享利润。这是一个非常独特的产品,您一定会喜欢的。 本文来源:499block —- 编译者/作者:499block 玩币圈申明:玩币圈作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币圈平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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