1、区块链金融关注不足 新金融和传统金融之间有代沟,这些代沟之间的沟通,区块链技术作为中间桥梁可以融合,其实区块链技术发展应用正在影响和改变我们的现实生活,有些人关注,看重它的财富蹦发,有些人关注度不足,原因在于对内涵理解不足之外,还有其他原因: 1、新技术日新月异:重大发明和变革对人们的脑海冲击力在不断的弱化,很多技术变革速度非常快,很多人可能会习以为常。 2、金融扭曲:目前戏子一部电视剧出场费远远高于某些金融天才的薪酬,很多人对金融的发展,开始变得悲观,新技术结合金融,这里打上了大大的问号。 3、金融路线固化:金融领域存在很多矛盾,像金融危机一样,每间隔一定周期会席卷全球,如果不断在这个过程中去改善,利用新技术实现金融发展也是一个重大的挑战。 There is a generation gap between new finance and traditional finance, the communication between these generations, blockchain technology can be integrated as an intermediate bridge, in fact, the development and application of blockchain technology is affecting and changing our real life, some people are concerned, some people don't pay enough attention to it because they don't understand what it means, but there are other reasons: 1. New Technologies are changing with each passing day; the impact of major inventions and changes is weakening, a lot of technology changes very quickly, and many people might take it for granted. 2. Financial Distortions: At present, the cost of a TV show is far higher than that of some financial geniuses. Many people are becoming pessimistic about the development of finance. 3. Financial route consolidation: there are many contradictions in the financial sector. Like the financial crisis, each periodic cycle will sweep the world. If we continue to improve in the process, the use of new technologies to achieve financial development is also a major challenge. 2、行情解读 每日行情走势,大饼从3月12号开始爬升,初始点为3800点,今日11月02号14点59分13726美元左右,正在反复11000-13000美元的测试,目前处于测试阶段。从日曲线看12700-13700美元之间目前支撑点很多,庄家买入挂单持仓2.2万BTC(明面买盘较昨日多0.3万),上方阻力1.7万BTC(明面阻力较昨日少1万)。 持续7个月的走势,接下来到了变盘的时刻,再次测试11000-13000美元高位压力点,冲破稳定之后,大饼整体趋势上涨。 从15分钟曲线可以看出,比特币从13293美元上升到13666美元一个相对点。合约不玩牛市必来,合约理论上放大游戏的上下限,大饼继续震荡起来目前回调处于13726美元,目前非主流有所抬头,期待大饼稳住,相对指标USDT目前6.65(其他山寨币冲上去啊)。 3、小结 话外题: 行情变化莫测,如何去甄别好的项目呢?这个需要用心判断,投资很难,但是坚持二八原则,相信坚持下来,20%或许是我们这些笑到最后的人,愿OK早日OK起来啊。 NFT需要交易所尽快站出来支持NFT交易,目前场外效率撮合太慢。不是吗? —- 编译者/作者:醉玲珑 玩币圈申明:玩币圈作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币圈平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
区块链大型巡回播放【第97期】#区块链金融关注不足# &“行情解读”
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