1、数字货币支付 数字货币相对概念比较前瞻,今年来数字货币已经成为业内流行的全新概念,没有统一的边界,如果要追根溯源,需要从电子货币的概念说起,电子货币是指通过销售终端、设备直接转账来完成支付或者预先支付,国际清算银行认为电子货币可能会影响到中央银行的货币政策,如影响央行控制的利率和主要市场利率的联系。 长期来看央行具有垄断性的货币发行权,也基本掌握着主要电子货币的发行权,电子货币给货币政策理论框架带来了很大的冲击,货币的可控性、可测性、相关性都发生了变化,随着新技术的到来,逐渐出现了可能脱离央行控制的新兴网络电子货币形态,货币其概念、范畴、转移机制都在发生着变化,其中大额与小额、银行与非银行、中心与去中心产生了不同形态的货币以及货币转移带来的深刻影响,这体现为对货币数量、价格、货币流通速度以及存款备用金等制度的冲击。 The relative concept of digital currency is quite forward-looking. This year, digital currency has become a brand-new concept popular in the industry. There is no unified boundary. If we want to trace the source, we need to start from the concept of electronic currency, electronic money refers to the payment or advance made through direct transfer of sales terminals and equipment. The Bank for International Settlements believes that electronic money may affect the monetary policy of the central bank, for example, the link between interest rates that affect central bank control and major market rates. In the long run, the Central Bank has the monopoly power to issue money, and also basically holds the power to issue major electronic money. Electronic money has brought great impact on the theoretical framework of monetary policy, the controllability, measurability and relevance of money have changed. With the arrival of new technology, a new network of electronic money that may be out of the control of the central bank has gradually emerged, the concept, scope and transfer mechanism of money are changing, in which large amount and small amount, bank and non-bank, central and decentralized form of money and the profound impact of money transfer, this is reflected in the amount of money, prices, Velocity of money and deposit reserve system impact. 2、行情解读 每日行情走势,大饼从3月12号开始爬升,初始点为3800点,今日11月26号13点25分17792美元左右(接近四倍多的涨幅),正在反复15000-18000美元的测试,目前处于打野高级风险阶段。从日曲线看16500-17700美元之间目前支撑点很多,庄家买入挂单持仓0.7万BTC(明面买盘较昨日少0.2万),上方阻力0.5万BTC(明面阻力较昨日少0.7万)。 持续8个月的走势,已经变盘了,再次测试历史高位15000-18000美元高位压力点,目前已经局部冲突,大饼整体准备回调。 从15分钟曲线可以看出,比特币从19485美元快速跌落到17125美元一个相对点。合约不玩牛市必来,合约理论上放大游戏的上下限,大饼继续震荡起来目前回调处于17735美元,目前非主流昨日基本保持10%跌幅,期待大饼稳住目前指标,相对指标USDT目前6.51(例如HUO交易所特别喜欢合约拔网线)。 3、小结 话外题: 近期运气比较好,我已经连续三天提醒读者们这轮回调开始,大饼大跌,其他非主流惨不忍睹,所以所有的最高点都是庄家来探顶,和散户没有半毛钱关系,最近最令人头痛的是交易所集中拔网线,如何去监管这一块,目前没有,真正的痛点没有人,没有项目来解决,所以犹如空中楼阁一样,虚无缥缈。 —- 编译者/作者:醉玲珑 玩币圈申明:玩币圈作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币圈平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
区块链大型巡回播放【第121期】#数字货币支付# &“行情解读”
2020-11-30 醉玲珑 来源:区块链网络
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