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2021-03-02 老苏-八卦区块链 来源:区块链网络

本次AMA我们邀请到了Idavoll的联合创始人Alina 以下是AMA文字回顾:

1? Could you please give a brief introduction of yourself.


Alina:Hello everyone, my name is Alina. I have once worked as a top-tier strategy consulting at McKinsey, Zurich. In blockchain, I built UniDAO - An Asset Management DAO on Aragon platform, also the first DAO for DeFi management. Afterwards, I? joined Equilibrium to start my Polkadot Ecosystem career. In 2020, i founded Idavoll Network to bring the ideas of DAO into Polkadot ecosystem.


后来,我加入了Equilibrium,开始了我的Polkadot生态系统职业生涯。2020年,我成立了Idavoll Network,将DAO的思想带入Polkadot生态系统。

2? Why is the project named Idavoll?

为什么这个项目被命名为 Idavoll ?

Alina:Well, there is a reason why Idavoll is named after a magical valley, which Scandinavian gods used to take meetings and sign deals (probably). It is the first and only cross-chain DAO (decentralized autonomous organization) protocol, where different blockchain ecosystems composed of users, tokens and dApps (decentralized applications) can meet and interact with each. Idavoll solves the problem of interoperabiltiy and also provides the framework for real-life organizations on the blockchain to solve disputes and act as governing bodies.

有一个原因使Idavoll以一个神奇的山谷而得名,这个山谷曾是斯堪的纳维亚众神用来开会和签订交易的(应该是)。它是第一个也是唯一的跨链DAO(去中心化自治组织)协议,由用户、令牌和dApp(去中心化应用程序)组成的不同区块链生态系统可以相互操作并进行交互。 Idavoll解决了互操作性问题,并为区块链上的现实组织提供了解决并充当管理机构的框架。

3 what is the essence of Idavoll DAO?

Idavoll DAO 的本质是什么?

Alina:This is the essence of Idavoll DAO enabling its members to set up resource allocation rules, build consensus and voting mechanisms, etc., all organized with a unified smart contracts logic. As ancient gods used to divide their responsibilities to better rule the universe, organizations working on Idavoll protocol (companies, open source projects, NGOs, foundations, hedge funds…) will be able to delegate decisions to its members, control their activities and rule our disputes, while staying completely on the decentralized chain. It’s a self-sufficient universe, where each organization can renew itself and maintain its identity forever.

Davoll DAO的本质:它使其成员能够建立资源分配规则,建立共识和投票机制等。所有这些都采用统一的智能合约逻辑进行组织。随着古代神灵划分职责: 是以更好地统治宇宙。从事Idavoll协议工作的组织(公司、开源项目、非政府组织、基金会、对冲基金等),将能够将决策委托给其成员,控制其活动并统治我们的纠纷,同时完全保留在去中心化链上。这是一个自给自足的世界,每个组织都可以在那里自我更新并永远保持其身份。

4 What is Idavoll Network


Alina:Idavoll Network — is a DAO management platform providing infrastructure and services within the Polkadot ecosystem. It is based on the substrate development framework, which has a modular structure allowing the permitted addresses (users) to create and manage various foundations built on any blockchain. For example, any DeFi project on Ethereum will be able to run its heavy governance process on the Idavoll Network (because of scalability issues governance will be expensive and slow on Ethereum) through the Polkadot bridge chain, the DAO. The results of its governance on Idavoll will be executed on Ethereum, enabling various projects to complete decentralized DAO management at very low cost. In a different use case, the Idavoll Network can serve off- chain foundations, combining off-chain data with on-chain rules to complete the governance process.

Idavoll Network 是一个DAO管理平台,在Polkadot生态系统内提供基础架构和服务。它基于substrate开发框架,该框架具有模块化结构,允许允许的地址(用户)创建和管理在任何区块链上构建的各种基础。例如,以太坊上的任何DeFi项目都将能够通过Polkadot桥接链DAO在Idavoll网络上运行繁重的治理流程(由于可扩展性问题,以太坊的治理成本高昂且缓慢)。其在Idavoll上的治理结果,将在以太坊上执行,使各种项目能够以非常低的成本完成分散的DAO管理。在不同的用例中,Idavoll网络可以为链下基金会提供服务,将链下数据与链上规则结合起来以完成治理流程

5? how many tokens are issued by Idavoll Network?

Idavoll Network发行了多少代币?

Alina:Idavoll Network is going to issue 2 billion IDV tokens enabling democratic, audible and transparent fund distribution and network rules — for the first time in the cross-blockchain universe.

Idavoll Network将发行20亿个IDV代币,以实现民主、可视和透明的资金分配和网络规则,这是跨区块链领域的第一次。

6 Who are Idavoll’s competitors?


Alina:Our main competitor is Aragon. Aragon is a DApp on the Ethereum blockchain that allows anyone to create and manage any organization. All voting in Aragon is conducted on-chain, which is more secure and completely decentralized. However, this is extremely expensive and slow. After the Ethereum network was jammed by DeFi transactions, it seriously affected users’ interest and ability to participate in on-chain governance. If a DAO organization cannot effectively collect governance opinion from the widest range of retail users, the “whale effect” will dominate the on-chain governance procedure, which will oppose to the original intention of the DAO.


Alina:Another competitor would be Snapshot. In order to solve the problems caused by the gradual congestion of Ethereum, the decentralized transaction protocol Balancer has launched a fully open source off-chain governance voting platform Snapshot to try to solve the problem of gas cost on the Ethereum chain. Snapshot has quickly become the preferred voting solution for well-known communities such as Yearn and Aave. However, in the current situation of Snapshot, there is still a problem of "significant centralization" in the voting process. Token holders can vote according to their preferences, but this vote is "only a signal". The actual on-chain execution must be done in other ways, such as relying on trusted "multi-signatures", who will check the voting results and execute the token holders' objectives. From the perspective of centralization and security, this method is very risky due to the reason that it has the potential to expose members of "multi-signature" to undesirable problems such as legal responsibility for community decision-making.

另一个竞争对手是Snapshot, 为了解决以太坊逐渐拥堵造成的问题,去中心化交易协议Balancer推出了一个完全开源的链下治理投票平台Snapshot,以解决以太坊链上的天然气成本问题。Snapshot已迅速成为Yearn和Aave等知名社区的首选投票解决方案。但是,在Snapshot的当前情况下,投票过程中仍然存在“大量集中化”的问题。代币持有者可以根据自己的偏好进行投票,但是这种投票“只是一个信号”。实际的链上执行必须以其他方式完成,例如依赖于受信任的“多重签名”,后者将检查投票结果并执行代币持有者的目标。

7 How is Idavoll different from its competitors?


Alina:Idavoll will have no troubles in this regard and will fundamentally solve these problems. Idavoll is developed based on Substrate to support DAO governance with high efficiency. The fork-less upgrade mechanism leads to Idavoll’s conducive to expansion. Idavoll pallet guarantees all on-chain voting to on-chain execution will be completed in a secure and decentralized way.

Idavoll在这方面不会有麻烦,会从根本上解决这些问题。Idavoll 是基于 Substrate 开发的,支持高效率的 DAO 治理。无叉升级机制导致 Idavoll 的有利于扩展。Idavoll 托盘保证所有的链上投票链上执行将在一个安全和分散的方式完成。

Idavoll计划以Parachain的形式与Polkadot互联,以共享Polkadot的安全性,同时支持Polkadot生态系统中其他项目的治理和丰富应用。Idavoll将引入外部资产,比如Polkadot生态系统中其他Parachains上的资产,或者生态系统之外的其他链上资产(如以太坊等)。使 Idavoll 提供的治理多元化(如外部资产质押、投票、加权等)。

基于Polkadot生态的跨链支持,Idavoll未来还将为以太坊上的社区提供链上治理功能。这些社区可以使用他们自己的令牌投票,所有的投票都在 Idavoll 链上进行跟踪。交易可以通过跨链流程在以太坊上执行,为以太坊和其他公共链社区提供更多治理解决方案。



