时间:2021年5月9日 地点:明煌研究院所属社群 主题:明煌研究院、NAUT联合举办了AMA活动 嘉宾:NAUT社区负责人 内容:为资金池和拍卖构建的多重协议 Q1.Can you briefly describe what is Astronaut ? We would like to know more about it and how it works. Q1.您能简单地描述一下什么是Astronaut吗?我们想知道更多关于它的信息,以及它是如何工作的。 Astronaut is a protocol built for decentralizing the way which new projects and ideas coming to the BNB ecosystem raise capital. Astronaut 是为分散进入BNB生态系统的新项目和想法筹集资金的方式而建立的协议。 The platform allows cryptocurrency projects to raise funds by setting up a pool based on a fixed purchase rate for tokens. These so called “Pools” have a soft cap and a hard cap. NAUT native token holders can stake BUSD according to their pool "weight" and receive a guaranteed allocation of the IDO. 该平台允许加密货币项目通过基于代币的固定购买率设置一个池来筹集资金。这些所谓的“池”有一个软池和一个硬池。非本地代牌持有人可以根据其池“权重”持有BUSD,并获得IDO的保证分配。 With Astronaut, decentralized projects will be able to raise and exchange capital cheap and fast. Users will be able to participate in a secure and interoperable environment on the Binance Smart Chain. 有了Astronaut,分散的项目将能够廉价而快速地筹集和交换资金。用户将能够参与绑定智能链上安全且互操作的环境。 Q2. What are your main features that distinguish you from other projects and what competitive advantages do you have? Q2. 您与其他项目有何区别,您有哪些竞争优势? Quite a simple thing and that is our community, our transparency, our tokenomics which burn and benefit the community. We also will compete on the UI and design front to best our branding and marketing over any other competitor. Our system will allow for any individual to get a share of an IDO small or big investors. The burn feature causes whales who come into IDOs to have to stake into the pool which makes them lose a 4% slippage. This will control the amount of whales who take up allocations, if they wish to do so our community will receive the redistribution of multiple whales entering into IDO’s on both entrance and exit. We will setup pools that have rewards as well during the lock up period which benefits everyone! 一件相当简单的事情,那就是我们的社区,我们的透明度,我们的标记组学,燃烧和造福社区。我们还将在用户界面和设计方面竞争,以最佳我们的品牌和营销超过任何其他竞争对手。我们的系统将允许任何个人获得IDO小或大投资者的份额。燃烧的特征导致进入燃烧的币不得不进入矿池,这使它们失去了4%的滑动。这将控制接受分配的矿池的数量,如果他们愿意这样做,我们的社区将在入口和出口进入工发组织的矿池的重新分配。我们将在锁定期间设置有有奖励的池,这有利于每个参与者! Q3. How has the experience and background of your team been e?ective in the success of your project so far? Q3. 到目前为止,您的团队的经验和背景是如何有效地实现您的项目的成功的? With a very diverse team and background it has been very successful and e?ective. We have members of the team from the consulting and advisory space such as myself, we ?have Devs who worked on very high end Defi platforms such as AAVE and we have UI team members who have done work as both freelancer and NDA platforms which are known to?many. This diversity helps by bringing in many background with di?erent sides of experience in di?erent types and style fields. 拥有非常多样化的团队和背景,它一直非常成功和有效。我们有团队的成员从咨询和咨询空间像我自己,我们有开发者在非常高端的Defi平台如AAVE和我们有UI团队成员做过自由职业者和NDA平台是许多人知道的。这种多样性有助于在不同类型和风格领域引入许多具有不同方面经验的背景。 Q4. What are you looking most forward to doing in Astronaut? Q4. 您最期待在Astronaut身上做什么? We are looking most forward for our first IDO we believe it will be a HUGE success and really put our name on the map, If you didn't buy into NAUT before the first IDO your chances of seeing prices under $6 will be a long shot. Furthermore, with our burn the price of the token just continues to you up after every other IDO this will save us and we have taken feedback and data from other platforms which have tried to do the same and failed. 我们最期待我们的第一个IDO,我们相信这将是一个巨大的成功,真的把我们的名字在地图上,如果您没有在第一个IDO之前购买空,您的机会看到价格在$6将是一个很长的机会。此外,随着我们的燃烧,令牌的价格只是在所有其他IDO之后继续上涨,这将节省我们,我们已经从其他平台获得了反馈和数据,他们试图做同样的事情,但失败了。 Q5. Could you please provide some progress on your Roadmap and what results Astronaut has achieved so far ? And any sneak peek into 2021 plans for Astronaut? Q5.您能在您的路线图上提供一些进展,以及Astronaut到目前为止已经取得了什么成果吗?有没有先睹2021年Astronaut的计划吗? Our roadmap was supposed to be a 3 phase roadmap with a long runway of time of about 2-3 months before any release of a new UI or platform. We have recognized the extreme growth in the BSC and have decided to move our platform into development in only 1 month. This will Bring us from Phase I (which was a phase meant to build community, trust, marketing, and collect data and feedback) to Phase II within a 2 week period That 2 week period actually is today so you can go see our new UI right now at https://astronaut.to, it will continue to be tweaked with some awesome animations and new add ons such as the full working dApp and back end pages. 我们的路线图分为3个阶段的路线图,在任何新的UI或平台发布之前,长时间大约需要2-3个月。我们已经认识到BSC的极端增长,并决定在短短一个月内将我们的平台投入开发。这将把我们从第一阶段(这是一个阶段意味着建立社区、信任、营销和收集数据和反馈)第二阶段在两周内,2周期间实际上是今天所以您可以看到我们的新用户界面现在https://astronaut.to,它将继续调整一些很棒的动画和新添加等完整的工作数据应用程序和后端页面。 Q6. Astronaut’s project growth especially with community and partnerships through the phase I period has been pretty impressive and massive and as such phase II has been set to full throttle. How does Astronaut aim to promote it’s vibrant and increasing community, making them a part of this huge promotional drive? Q6.?Astronaut的项目发展,特别是与社区和伙伴关系在第一阶段已经令人印象深刻和巨大,因此第二阶段已经全力发展。Astronaut的目标是如何促进其充满活力和不断增长的社区,使他们成为这个大型促销活动的一部分? This is a very important question to ask any and every project. The basis of any project is literally its marketing and team. Today creating a fork of a project is not the most complicated task and most projects are forked from other projects. What makes the big difference is the marketing. We focus on every piece of marketing from traditional Twitter, Medium and TG posts to bringing in brand ambassadors. 这是一个非常重要的问题。任何项目的基础都是它的市场营销和团队。今天,创建一个项目的分叉并不是最复杂的任务,而且大多数项目都是从其他项目中分叉的。造成最大不同的原因是市场营销。我们专注于所有的营销,从传统的推特、媒体和TG帖子,到引入品牌大使。 We have channels available on Reddit, Discord, LinkedIn, and even Instagram. Our community is known to be a fun and vibrant community that is transparent and doesn’t “moderate it” like police men. We let people have fun, share games, talk about things other than crypto as well. This has been something that has carried us through phase I and we have built a very strong probably one of the strongest communities in the BSC. 我们有Reddit、Discord、LinkedIn,,甚至还有Instagram的频道。我们的社区是一个有趣而充满活力的社区,透明,不像警察那样“适度”。我们也让人们玩得开心,分享游戏,谈论加密以外的东西。这让我们度过了第一阶段,我们建立了一个非常强大的社区,很可能是BSC中最强大的社区之一。 We host contests every single day for our members, we have gaming competitions, we do some shilling of course. We will continue to add to our marketing power and partnerships. 我们每天都为会员举办比赛,我们有游戏比赛,当然我们会做一些奖励。我们将继续增加我们的营销力量和合作伙伴关系。 We have two partnerships announced this week with Tree Defi and Polaris 本周宣布与ree Defi 和Polaris合作伙伴关系 3 new exchange listings this week including Bitmart, Hotbit and p2pb2b 本周将上线3个交易所,包括 Bitmart、Hotbit和p2pb2b And 7 AMA’s lined up. (pray for me) 还有7个AMA在排队。(敬请期待) Q7. $750,000 in NAUT was burned to celebrate Phase II with remarkable milestones, including a new evolved UI & dApp IDO launchpad. Can you explain why did you burn that such amount of $NAUT tokens? What will be the impact of burning of tokens will bring in your platform and in your community and to investors? Q7.?NAUT的$750,000被销毁来纪念第二阶段的里程碑,包括一个新的进化的UI和dAppIDO启动台。您能解释一下为什么烧这么多的$代币吗?焚烧代币会给您的平台、社区和投资者带来什么影响? Great question, the reason we burnt the tokens is because of our roadmap, originally we were supposed to take a much longer time during Phase I but saw the booming growth of the BSC so we sped it up from 3–5 months to 1–2 months. We pretty much took a chunk of the amount of tokens that would of been burnt over those months and burned them in one shot to get us up to date on the roadmap. 非常不错的问题,我们销毁代币的原因是因为我们的路线图,最初我们应该在第一阶段花更长的时间,但看到了BSC的蓬勃增长,所以我们将它从3-5个月加速到1-2个月。我们几乎拿走了那几个月里被销毁的大量代币,然后一次燃烧掉,让我们了解路线图上的最新情况。 The impact of burning tokens bring scarcity and also makes the price go up over time. This will be helpful for us to better stabilize our price. The reason we need price stabilization is because we are a tiered launchpad. If price goes from $1 to $12 within a week it would be very hard for new investors to get tiered into our IDO tiers. 燃烧代币的影响带来了稀缺性,也使价格随着时间的推移而上涨。这将有助于我们更好地稳定我们的价格。我们需要稳定价格的原因是我们是一个分层的发射台。如果价格在一周内从$1涨到$12,新投资者将很难进入我们的IDO层。 Finally, we plan to do one more large burn to finish it off. That will be our final large manual burn. 最后,我们计划再做一次大的烧伤来完成它。这将是我们最后的大型手动燃烧。 Q8. What do you believe the future of NAUT coin looks like. Q8.?您相信NAUT coin的未来是什么样子的。 This is a spolier: I believe NAUT will evolve the space of how NFT’s are used in utility. We will be the first project to make an IDO based launchpad with NFT’s owners being able to whitelist into tiers. This will open up entry to new use cases and utility for NFT’s. This is something that will be soon released and we expect it to be a HUGE hit. Stay tuned. 我相信诺会发展在实用程序中使用NFT的空间。我们将是第一个制作基于IDO的启动台的项目,NFT的所有者能够将白名单分成几层。这将打开NFT的新用例和实用程序。这是一些将很快发布的东西,我们期望它将是一个巨大的成功。请继续关注。 Astronaut to the moon! Astronau到达月球! —- 编译者/作者:明煌研究院 玩币圈申明:玩币圈作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币圈平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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