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2021-02-04 Cat说区块链 来源:区块链网络


How can the real estate industry realize digital and intelligent transformation through the development of blockchain +

时间:2021年2月3日 20:00






Ran is the CMO of UPRETS, a platform backed by real estate conglomerate NYSE:XIN which simplifies investment by advising on and digitalizing securities. She is the media officer of World Economic Forum Global Shapers Community Beijing Hub and was the Director of Research of 8 Decimal Capital. As a passionate evangelist of blockchain, Ran has participated in the creation of several books and is a freelancer on?8BTC.com.

Ran graduated from UIBE, received entrepreneurship training in Draper University in Silicon Valley, and is an incoming Cornell-Tsinghua MBA candidate.

RICO 彭岦囯





首先,欢迎下我们的嘉宾魏然魏总、RICO 彭岦囯,


请RICO 彭岦囯简单介绍下自己



1.?How do you think?about?the development of blockchain+?



I’ve written an article before called “Three waves of Blockchain revolution in Finance”. Throughout the life of blockchain, the industry has experienced several waves. The first wave started with payment & transactions when Bitcoin became popular payment tools. These new currencies

disrupted the payments space, which previously only relied on traditional financial institutions. Bitcoin, born after the 2008 economic

crisis, echoed people’s discontent with the traditional financial system,

launching a new wave of “decentralized” thinking.

第二轮浪潮开启于股权融资,以太坊的诞生让ERC20 Tokens的发行极其简单,基于其实现的ICO,本质上是一种新的股权融资方式,同时在“牛市”行情里,给风投机构提供了一种回报率和流动性都极高的退出方式。当监管滞后和缺位时,少量项目可以面向全球投资者进行无门槛的股权众筹,那时,项目供给远远小于投资需求,百倍千倍的回报率也在情理之中,这就是所谓“泡沫”的来由。

The second wave was equity and financing, when Initial Coin Offering and the issuance of ERC20 tokens became the new means of funding blockchain projects.?During the 2017 bull market, token investments gave venture capital funds an exit opportunity providing a high liquidity and rate of return. Amid the regulatory uncertainty, ICOs surged due to getting funding from many hyped investors. As a result, a hundred times return on an investment became “reasonable,” giving cause to the “bubble.”


The third wave is DeFi, the combination of Blockchain technology and financial derivatives.?With the development of many more sophisticated financial instruments,?the Decentralized Financial market witnessed a hype during the last year. For instance, till August, 2020, the size of fixed income market reached 128 trillion USD, which is around triple the size of equity market. Similarly, in the crypto world, we’ve seen the emergence of lending protocols( MakerDAO,Compound,Aave), DEX trading(Uniswap,Sushiswap) ,aggregator(1inch), synthetic assets(synthetic, linear) ,insurance(Nexus?Mutual) ,securitization(UPRETS, BarnBridge), Options and Futures(Derebit). Those financial innovations would significantly enlarge the market size of crypto space.


Blockchain as a technology has received wide adoption across private sectors about about 20 years ago. Bitcoin being the most successful experiment and strived to be one of the fastest growing store of value asset in the history of mankind.

Recent years, WEF started to promote its Industrialization 4.0, much more attention was given to the Blockchain protocol . One of the top advocate for amongst all the governments was China & USA.

President Xi has advocate in speeding up the adoption of Blockchain to ensure a top bottom execution across all government levels.?In 2016, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) issued a blockchain white paper that discussed use cases for the technology, including the Internet of Things, the supply chain and digital assets. Later that year, China’s State Council, or cabinet, included blockchain as part of the five-year plan for the information industry that ends in 2020.

Today, the digital renminbi (RMB) or the yuan, a virtual currency administered by the People's Bank of China (PBOC), the country's central bank, has arrived in full in Shanghai.?Many economies worldwide are exploring digital currencies, for example, in Switzerland, Singapore and Canada, and especially in northern Europe are following China’s foot steps. All of these would not be possible without the blockchain technology.

Sanctum has been providing consulting and advises several governments over the last 10 years in advocating towards the adoption of Blockchain Technology. This year, Sanctum will be working on more DeFi & NFT initiatives.

My co-founder Dunstan Teo has co-authored a book titled “The Bitcoin Dystopia: The Prelude” in May 2019. He has been involved in the Bitcoin network since the very beginning as a professional gamer and miner, he has shared a number of insights of many happenings globally via a sci-fi manner. I hope more of you will read and understands better where Sanctum is coming from and where we are hoping to achieve in the future with our collective efforts. It’s a movement for the mankind and everyone can be part of it.

Sanctum will continue to strive towards our grand vision in bringing more wealth sovereignty and freedom to people. Please stay tuned to some of the latest development through our Global Community Group Chats.

It’s my pleasure to have Wei Ran, CMO of UPRETS to join us today to share some of the latest development in Real Estate and land assets digital transformation. We have known each other for years and look forward to bring more positive changes into this space together.






我的联合创始人邓斯坦·特奥(Dunstan Teo)于2019年5月与人合著了一本书,名为《比特币反乌托邦:序曲》(The Bitcoin Dystopia: The Prelude)。他从一开始就作为一名职业玩家和矿工参与比特币网络,他通过科幻的方式分享了许多全球发生的事件的见解。我希望你们中有更多的人能够阅读并更好地理解Sanctum的由来以及我们希望通过共同努力在未来实现的目标。这是一场全人类的运动,每个人都可以参与其中。


今天很高兴能请到upprets的CMO Wei Ran来与我们分享一些房地产和土地资产数字化转型的最新进展。我们已经相识多年,希望能一起为这个领域带来更多积极的变化。

2、在 2019 年初,多项预测曾表示「2019 年将是数字证券发行元年」。这一年中,无论是监管框架逐完善的美国、欧洲等地,还是对数字资产展示兴趣的亚洲、澳洲等地,数字证券都成为了传统行业与新兴技术的交点,稳步发展。


2. In early 2019, a number of forecasts indicated that "2019 will be the first year of digital securities issuance". In this year, no matter in the United States and Europe where the regulatory framework is gradually improved, or in Asia and Australia where they are interested in displaying digital assets, digital securities have become the intersection of traditional industries and emerging technologies, and developed steadily.

Now, what do you think of the issue of digital securities?


Sanctum has been involved in developing a number of digital securities ventures and overall architecture design, including the VIE structure for risk management purpose since 2019. One of our client was listed on a FCA regulated exchange with their security token. We worked with many SEC, FCA & FINRA regulated exchanges to list our partner & client’s projects.

I reckon there will be more stricter regulations around digital securities moving forward. We are lobbying with FATF, SEC, FINRA & many other governments Securities Commissions in their openness towards adopting digitization of assets and it’s policies around it.

Our technology is ready for it, however there are too much risk for projects to embark on the journey without a clear guidelines and regulations to be adhered too. This is one of the challenge that we are facing in this industry.

Education and awareness isn’t enough too in many countries! Most entrepreneurs do not understand how the technology could optimise and change people’s lifestyle including behavior change. China is one of the great example where it has successfully enabled digital payment systems across 60% of the population where most part of the world are still trying to emplement 20% of what China has achieved.

China entrepreneurs are having problems to duplicate their business to overseas markets and we saw many projects were not properly regulated. The projects need to have local partners and to work with regulators to let them understand the benefits, rather than take them as a risk.








从资产端来看,仅看地产行业,根据《The Business Research》 统计,2021年全球存量地产资产规模将达277万亿美金,根据MSCI 统计,地产投资规模跃升到10万亿美金,全球REITs市场规模则在3.5万亿美金左右 。从资金端来看,尽管COVID-19期间,美联储接连降息,美国房企的融资成本较低,但在中国,由于针对地产行业的“三条红线”等政策因素,拥有境外资产的中资房企拓宽新型融资需求的诉求非常迫切。美金稳定币市值的激增和DeFi借贷市场的崛起,为传统企业融资提供了一条潜在的更低成本的解决方案。




In 2021, the volume of the digital asset market has reached nearly US$1 trillion, the DeFi (decentralized finance) market has reached US$13.7 billion, and the US dollar stablecoin market has peaked at US$38.7 billion. The market share of the global digital securities market is only 100 million US dollars. It can be seen that physical assets and the blockchain world have not yet crossed the adoption?gap, the digital infrastructure for physical assets and securities is still being built, and a huge blue ocean market has yet to be tapped.

From the asset side, just look at the real estate industry. According to statistics from "The Business Research", the market?size of global real estate assets will reach US$277 trillion in 2021. According to MSCI statistics, the scale of real estate investment has jumped to US$10 trillion and that of the global REITs market is around US$3.5 trillion. From a capital perspective, although the Federal Reserve has cut interest rates successively during COVID-19, the financing costs of US real estate companies are lower, but in China, due to policy factors such as the "three red lines" for the real estate industry, Chinese real estate companies with overseas assets have an urgent demand to broaden into new financing. The surge in the market value of the US dollar stablecoin and the rise of the DeFi lending market provide a potentially lower-cost solution for traditional corporate financing.

On the other hand, in the current DeFi world, mainstream collaterals are still limited to digital assets with violent price fluctuations such as BTC and ETH. Since the market value of the digital asset market is still less than US$1 trillion, the growth potential of collateral is limited. Despite the extremely strong liquidity of digital assets, we will experience an upward cycle with a 2020 bull market. When the market turns into an inevitable bear market and the collateral plummets, the TVL of the DeFi projects?will be greatly reduced, triggering liquidation, and driven by the decline of DeFi governance coins, it triggers a series of unknowable and domino-like risks to the market.

There are many differences between digital assets and physical assets in terms of pricing, confirmation of ownership/rights, liquidation, and governance systems. The disadvantages of physical assets are obvious, such as poor liquidity, difficult pricing, and complicated property rights transfer processes, but they also have many advantages, such as relatively stable prices, larger volumes, and real cash flow. Incorporating physical assets into collateral is an indispensable step for DeFi expansion and sustainable development.

At present, the price capture methods on the pure chain of the blockchain world, such as oracles, clearing and real-time auction mechanisms, as well as the transfer of property rights based on public chains and addresses, are not yet fully applicable to physical assets such as real estate. We need to work with all parties, including regulators, lawyers, leading companies in the blockchain industry and the financial sector, to explore a solution that combines on-chain and off-chain, centralization and decentralization.


3.In the traditional real estate industry, for real estate developers, the debt ratio is a double-edged sword. If there is debt, there is investment. But the high debt ratio affects the enterprise's risk-taking ability. What do you think of it?


对于房产商来说,没有负债就表示没有杠杆化的投资,资金利用率就不够高。而房产商存在去「播种」的需求,有去买被低估的资产的需求。这种情况下, 其动机并非是单纯的「缺钱需要融资」或单纯的「资产质地不好」,已经拥有了优良资产的房产商们一直在寻求「通过更具流动性的方式去投资目前被低估的资产」






4. The combination of real estate with cutting-edge technology and financial tools has gradually formed a development trend, which is inevitable. How do you think blockchain should help real estate?



老钱(Old Money)是几十年甚至百年前从金矿、地产、石油、零售等传统行业里或股票、债权、期货等传统资本市场里摸爬滚打的赚得的。在这个时代,数据就是石油,Token就是金矿,存储就是地产,通信协议就是高速公路,交易所就是纳斯达克。尽管它们在线下不可见,不可摸,不存在具象的物质实体,却正因为它们轻盈、虚拟的特性,可以跨越时空的束缚,每周7天,每天24小时的无缝运转,让全世界的资产实现高速率的流动和无摩擦的互换。





5. Uprets is a real estate asset certification platform. Can you introduce the project of uprets in detail?









3)技术基础设施,如前所述,在定价、预言机、智能合约、清算机制、治理结构和风控等诸多方面,实体资产需要定制化的解决方案。我们技术团队正在针对实体资产的价格抓取、预言机开发、支持跨链的协议等诸多方面进行研发,市场和金融团队也在与UBS、房地美、黑石等在内的传统金融机构和国际知名律所如OMM、Baker McKenzie、达辉等深度沟通,探索包括贷款分层、信托结构等一系列解决方案。

UPRETS, as a financial technology company backed by the New York Stock Exchange-listed real estate company Xinyuan Group (NYSE: XIN), is born with the dual genes of real estate and technology. It not only has more than 20 years’ experience with industrial resources in the real estate industry, but also has more than 5 years of development, exploration and application of blockchain technology development and industrial applications.

We have always believed that digital transformation is an inevitable trend for the real estate industry. Data will become a more precious and valuable asset than the real thing. If the blockchain industry wants to develop in the long term, it must also be integrated with the real economy. We want to act as a bridge to digitize physical assets and enter the DeFi ecosystem.

Currently, UPRETS’ product line includes three main aspects: digital securities issuance, DeFi mortgage and lending, and technical infrastructure.

1) In terms of digital securities, UPRETS successfully issued the world's first real estate digital securities listed for trading on the secondary market. In March 2020, it completed the primary market fundraising (RegS) of the Oosten project in East River Bay, New York, in 2020. In June, we completed the technical issuance of digital securities (OST, applicable to mainstream protocols such as Xbolt consortium chain, Ethereum and Bitcoin Omni), and registered and traded them in the secondary market-Seychelles's licensed securities exchange MERJ. At the same time, we will continue to serve Xinyuan International’s own real estate projects worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and externally cooperate on projects worth billions of dollars, providing full-process guidance from consulting, architecture design, technology issuance to secondary transactions;

2) DeFi mortgage and lending. UPRETS is working closely with the leading DeFi projects on the mainstream public chain to contribute more high-quality digital securities based on physical assets to the DeFi mortgage pool.

1. We work closely with the MakerDAO community, the largest stablecoin ecosystem on Ethereum, and became a founding member of the RWA (real world assets) working group. We cooperate with German companies such as Centrifuge and the US real estate fund Resolute.fund, and plan to include priority loans in the DAI mortgage pool. In June 2021, DAI will have applied for hundreds of millions of dollars of credit line for the physical industry.

2. We are also working closely with more public chain ecosystems, such as Binance Smart Chain, Ontology, NEO, Polkadot,etc. In 2019, we achieved group-level strategic cooperation with leading companies such as Binance China and Huobi China. We will jointly explore how to combine physical assets such as real estate funds and corporate bonds with blockchain technology under a compliance framework to provide users with valuable products.

3) Technical infrastructure: as mentioned above, physical assets require customized solutions in terms of pricing, oracles, smart contracts, clearing mechanisms, governance structures, and risk control. Our technical team is conducting research and development in many aspects such as price capture of physical assets, oracle development, and support for cross-chain agreements. The market and financial teams are also working with traditional financial institutions and international organizations such as UBS, Freddie Mac, Blackstone, etc. and well-known law firms such as OMM, Baker McKenzie, Dahui, etc., having had in-depth communication and explored a series of solutions including loan stratification and trust structure.


6.?How to tokenize real estate assets?(only ENG version)


OST is asset-based digital securities based on advanced digitalization technology designed for global real estate investors and blockchain enthusiasts. With offices in New York, Dubai and Beijing, entwined with its extensive range of strategic partnerships, the international digitalization platform UPRETS aids in developing the non-fungible tokens to create a legally compliant real estate financial product available for investors with revolutionary spirits. Secondary trading on MERJ Exchange further facilitates KYC/AML, market assurance and trading liquidity. For more information, go to?https://www.uprets.io/#/events/merj?2.

OST是为全球房地产投资者和区块链爱好者设计基于先进数字化技术的资产型数字证券公司,它在纽约、迪拜和北京设有办事处,拥有广泛的战略合作伙伴关系,国际数字化平台UPRETS帮助其开发不可替代的代币,从而为具有革命精神的投资者创造合法合规的房地产金融产品。MERJ交易所的二级交易进一步促进了KYC/AML、市场保障和交易流动性。更多信息请访问https://www.uprets.io/#/events/merj 2。

The Omnilayer & self-owned patented consortium chain Xbolt secures the OST digital securities structure and its compatibility to mainstream public chain and secondary exchanges and enables support payment with FIAT and BUSD. The ownership is issued to investors in a robust, secure and trusted digital securities form to accumulate steady dividends at a steep discount, which there will always be a demand for global real estate investors.

Omnilayer &自有专利财团chain Xbolt确保了OST数字证券结构及其与主流公链和二级交易所的兼容性,并支持FIAT和BUSD支付。所有权以稳健、安全、可信的数字证券形式发行给投资者,以大幅折价积累稳定的股息,这对满足全球房地产投资者的需求提供了帮助。

OST is the phase I legally compliant digital securities of the Oosten project, corresponding to the limited partnership interest of UPRETS Oosten Fund I LP, a real estate fund company located in Delaware, USA that holds the apartment No.730. UPRETS Oosten Fund I LP was completed through private equity investment on March 13, 2020, in compliance with the U.S. SEC’s Reg D and S standards, and simultaneously issued 100 million corresponding OST digital securities through the digitalization technology platform, UPRETS, and was listed on the MERJ Exchange on June 5, 2020, and opened the first transaction on June 25, 2020.

OST是Oosten项目第一期合法合规的数字证券,对应UPRETS Oosten Fund I LP的有限合伙权益。UPRETS Oosten Fund I LP是一家位于美国特拉华州的房地产基金公司,持有编号为730的公寓。UPRETS Oosten基金LP是通过私人股本投资2020年于3月13日完成,符合美国证券交易委员会注册D和S标准,同时通过数字化技术平台发出了1亿张对应的OST数字证券,并于2020你去哪6月5日在MERJ交易所上市,2020年6月25日开始第一笔交易。

7、UPRETS是房地产资产通证化平台目前有什么落地应用生态吗?(only ENG version)

7. Uprets is a real estate trading?platform. Is there any application ecology at present??(only ENG version)


UPRETS (uprets.io) aims to provide one-stop real estate digital securities issuance, secondary exchange listing and fundraising?structure?assistance to energize global Real Estate?investment among all parties (developers, asset originators & investors).

UPRETS (UPRETS .io)旨在提供一站式的房地产数字证券发行、二级交易所上市和融资结构协助,以激发各方(开发商、资产发起人和投资者)的全球房地产投资。

In 2020, UPRETS successfully issued $1m worth of OST for the Oosten Properties in NYC.?OST is the phase I legally compliant digital securities of the Oosten project, corresponding to the limited partnership interest of UPRETS Oosten Fund I LP(https://sec.report/CIK/0001795065), a real estate fund company located in Delaware, USA that holds Oosten apartment No.730.

2020年,UPRETS成功发行了价值100万美元的OST,用于纽约的Oosten Properties。OST是Oosten项目第一期合法合规的数字证券,对应于UPRETS Oosten Fund I LP(https://sec.report/CIK/0001795065)的有限合伙权益。UPRETS Oosten Fund I LP是一家位于美国特拉华州的房地产基金公司,持有Oosten公寓No.730。

UPRETS Oosten Fund I LP was completed through private equity investment on March 13, 2020, in compliance with the U.S. SEC’s Reg D and S standards, and simultaneously issued 100 million corresponding OST digital securities through the digitalization technology platform, UPRETS. It was then listed on the MERJ Exchange(https://merj.exchange/) on June 5, 2020, and opened the first transaction on June 25, 2020.

UPRETS Oosten Fund I LP于2020年3月13日通过私募股权投资完成,符合美国SEC的Reg D和S标准,并通过数字化技术平台UPRETS同时发行1亿相应的OST数字证券。随后,该公司于2020年6月5日在MERJ交易所(https://merj.exchange/)上市,并于2020年6月25日启动了首笔交易。

UPRETS’ growth plan consists of digitalizing and securitizing new RE assets and bonds (including Loans, REITS and CMBS), attracting more investors to the world of ST, through the establishment of partnerships to jointly help the industry mature and develop the standards of the future digital investment ecosystem. With the active involvement of exchanges such as Fusang Exchange, MERJ, HKbitEX and Investment Banks like UBS, we can play a meaningful role in modernizing the securities space.

UPRETS的增长计划包括将新的RE资产和债券(包括贷款、REITS和CMBS)数字化和证券化,通过建立合作伙伴关系,共同帮助行业走向成熟并制定未来数字投资生态系统标准,吸引更多的投资者进入ST的世界。有了Fusang Exchange、MERJ、HKbitEX和瑞银等投资银行的积极参与,我们可以在证券市场现代化方面发挥重要作用。

In regards to corporate bonds, we intend to strengthen their wide-coverage on secondary venues?in order?to arm them with additional liquidity and to lower the entry barrier. XIN International,?in collaboration?with its strategic partner Fusang Group, provides legally compliant digital corporate bond products available on Fusang exchange for individual investors to join.

就公司债券而言,我们打算加强其在二级市场的广泛覆盖,以增加它们的流动性,并降低进入门槛。XIN国际与其战略合作伙伴Fusang集团(Fusang Group)合作,在Fusang交易所(Fusang exchange)提供符合法律规定的数字公司债券产品,供个人投资者认购。

FAN(www.fan.finance) is the portal which facilitates onboarding of Real World Assets (RWA) onchain globally. FAN platform aims to act as the supplier of RWA for mainstream stable coin’s collateral pool such as MakerDAO’s CDP(makerdao.com). In the long run, FAN stable coins will be issued based on this collateral, and is generated by a?FAN Smart Contract through over-collateralizing real estate digital securities (e.g. OST) on our FAN website (5).?The?stable value?of the FAN/USDT exchange pair at 1?can be realized through a Smart Contract algorithm and through the holders' consensus?and wide-use of FAN. The amount of FAN created is determined by the?value of collaterals?and the appropriate?asset LTV (loan-to-value) ratio, as?voted by FAN community members.


The objective?is to establish the vertical niche of real estate digital securities-backed MakerDAO.?UPRETS will continue to explore the Fintech industry to support capital Raising Opportunities.



8.?We know that blockchain is an emerging industry. At present, the policies of many countries hold a wait-and-see attitude. Does this have any impact on the global expansion of uprets?



与传统资本市场略有不同的是,区块链生来就是国际化的产业,面向的是全球的资本市场和数以万计的交易所,各国政府互相博弈,各有所图,对区块链抱持着不同的态度,故而无法形成合谋,这就使得跨境的政策套利成为可能。项目可以从政策友好的国家如新加坡取得法律和合规文件,从注册在瑞士和开曼的风险基金处获得融资,再到注册于马耳他的交易所上市。针对这种全球政策套利的现象,美国的著名风险投资人Tim Draper说,比特币对他来说最激动人心的一点便是它是一个全球货币,由此,未来各国政府会变成一个个需要进行公开竞争的公共政务提供商,而不再是特定国境内的垄断者。Virtual Citizens(数字公民)和创业者可以用脚投票,我不喜欢你便可以离开,转向其他地域更友好的政务服务商。因为行业的这种特性,各国尤其是小国,会有一种FOMO(Fear of missing out,错失机会恐惧症)和想要借此弯道超车的心态,故而选择对区块链态度友好。


9. Will Sanctum?capital and uprets have the opportunity to become partners? If so, how will they cooperate?

Yes, we’re willing to work with Sanctum capital. In terms of market education, collaboration of DeFi protocols, etc.

感谢魏然魏总、RICO 彭岦囯的分享,也谢谢大家的热情,今天圣穆德的社区AMA 到此结束。


