当前位置: 玩币圈首页 > 行情分析 > ROCKI独家推出全球首个“艺术家质押挖矿”功能


2021-10-22 ROCKI 来源:区块链网络

What is Staking on ROCKI?

什么是 ROCKI 质押挖矿?

Most DEFI users should be very familiar with Staking. Basically, it is a way to earn crypto-assets while you sleep! You can pledge your crypto-assets to a cryptocurrency protocol to earn rewards in exchange.

大多数 DEFI 用户应该非常熟悉质押挖矿。 基本上,这是一种在加密市场最常见的被动收入方式! 您可以将您的加密资产抵押给加密货币协议以换取奖励。

On ROCKI, staking not only brings you some rewards but also offers you a way to support your favorite artists. We believe this is an entirely new way to support your favorite artist, with sharing your staking rewards directly with your favorite artists.

在 ROCKI,质押挖矿不仅会给您带来一些回报,同时也是一种可以支持您喜爱的艺术家的方式。 我们相信这是一种全新的方式来支持您最喜欢的艺术家,直接与您最喜欢的艺术家分享您的挖矿奖励。

So how does Staking work?


Staking allows our users to participate in the community mining of the ROCKI token. ROCKI holders can choose to pledge their ROCKI token to their favorite artists. Consequently, both ROCKI holders and artists are rewarded with ROCKI tokens.

质押挖矿功能允许用户参与 ROCKI 代币的社区挖矿。 ROCKI 持有者可以选择将他们的 ROCKI 代币质押给他们最喜欢的艺术家。 因此,ROCKI 持有者和艺术家都将获得 ROCKI 代币奖励。

For Stakers, no matter which artist they pledge the ROCKI tokens to, the reward rate will be the same. So your stake is your vote. You can choose to vote for your favorite artists. For artists, the higher the amount of ROCKI tokens pledged for you, the higher the rewards you will receive. A more extensive fan base supporting you means a lot more free ROCKI tokens for you. So, it is a system that benefits all stakeholders of the ecosystem, a win-win!

对于质押者来说,无论他们将ROCKI代币质押给哪个艺术家,奖励率都是一样的。 所以你的质押等同于你的投票。 您可以选择投票给您最喜欢的艺术家。 对于艺人来说,为您质押的 ROCKI 代币数量越多,您获得的奖励就越高。 获得更广泛的粉丝群的支持意味着您可以获得更多免费的 ROCKI 代币。 所以,这是一个有利于生态系统所有利益相关者的系统!

How long will the staking program last, and how many rewards will be released?


The staking program is a part of the community mining, and it will run on a regular basis going forward. The staking period will be three weeks for this first trial run, and the artist reward vesting period (explained below) will be six weeks. The reward for the test run will be 57,534.25 ROCKI Tokens (50% for Stakers, 50% for artists). We will adjust the reward levels for the next Staking run based on this first trial run and results to make sure we can maximize earnings for everyone going forward.

质押挖矿计划是社区挖矿的一部分,它将在未来定期运行。 首次试运行的质押期为三周,艺术家奖励归属期(如下所述)为六周。 测试运行的奖励将是 57,534.25 ROCKI 代币(50% 为挖矿者,50% 为艺术家)。 我们将根据第一次试运行和结果,调整下一次质押挖矿的奖励标准,以确保我们可以最大限度地为每个人带来收益。

How can I participate in the staking program?

我怎样才能参与 质押挖矿 计划?

The staking program is running on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network. You will need to bridge your token from Ethereum to BSC if your ROCKI tokens are on Ethereum. A detailed bridging instruction can be found here.

挖矿程序在币安智能链(BSC)网络上运行。 如果您的 ROCKI 代币在以太坊上,您将需要将您的代币从以太坊过桥接到 BSC。 可以在此处找到详细的过跨链说明(https://medium.com/rockiapp/how-to-bridge-rocki-tokens-from-ethereum-mainnet-to-binance-smart-chain-81835d702314)

For Stakers:


You can stake your tokens for any artist you like on the ‘Staking’ page. Your rewards start to accumulate once you stake your ROCKI token in the pool. You can stake, unstake and claim your rewards anytime. Each time you stake or unstake, your rewards will be automatically claimed. There is no vesting period of the reward.

您可以在“挖矿”页面上为您喜欢的任何艺术家抵押您的代币。 一旦您将 ROCKI 代币投入池中,您的奖励就会开始累积。 您可以随时质押、取消质押和领取奖励。 每次您质押或取消质押时,您的奖励都会自动领取。 奖励没有归属期。

For Artists:


You must complete KYC and SNS Verification to participate in the staking program. Once you complete these verifications, the admin will manually approve you as a ‘certified artist.’ After your status is approved, as a certified artist, your avatar will automatically pop up on the Staking page so that our fans can then stake ROCKI for you.

您必须完成 KYC 和 SNS 验证才能参与质押计划。 完成这些验证后,管理员将手动批准您为“认证艺术家”。您的身份获得批准后,作为认证艺术家,您的头像将自动弹出质押页面,以便我们的粉丝可以为您质押 ROCKI 。

You can claim your staking reward from your account on the ‘Earn ROCKI’ page, and the rewards will be released linearly in the artist reward vesting period. Please note, you can only use the KYC verified wallet to claim the rewards. If you lose control of your KYC verified wallet, there is no way to recover the funds in the wallet and any unclaimed/vested token.

您可以在“Earn ROCKI”页面领取您的质押挖矿奖励,奖励将在艺人奖励归属期内线性发放。 请注意,您只能使用 KYC 验证的钱包来领取奖励。 如果您失去了对 KYC 验证钱包的控制,则无法恢复钱包中的资金和任何无人认领/归属的代币。

Step to step staking instructions:


For Artists:


A, Click ‘Account’ Tab and Click ‘Earn ROCKI’ Tab

B, You will find a ‘Claim’ button under the ‘Earn ROCKI’ Page (if someone has pledged their token for you), click ‘Claim’ to claim the unvested portion.

A、点击“账户”标签,然后点击“赚取 ROCKI”标签 。

B、您会在‘Earn ROCKI’页面下找到‘Claim’按钮(如果有人为您质押了他们的代币),点击‘Claim’领取未归属的部分。

For Stakers:


A, Click the ‘Stake’ button on the top to enter Staking page.

B, You need to approve the contract for the first time of Staking, click ‘approve contract’ and confirm the transaction in the pop-up menu.

C, Click ‘Stake’ to stake your ROCKI for your favorite artist. You can unstake and claim any time. Each time you stake/unstake, your reward is automatically claimed. Please note: if you are a certified artist, you are unable stake for yourself.



C、点击“质押”为您最喜欢的艺术家抵押您的ROCKI。 您可以随时取消抵押和索赔。 每次您质押/取消质押时,您的奖励都会自动领取。 请注意:如果您是认证艺术家,您将无法为自己下注。

We expect to launch this first trial run of the ‘Staking for Artist’ feature by no later than next weekend, October 23rd. Thanks for everyone’s patience.

我们预计将在不迟于 10 月 23 日推出“艺术家质押”功能的首次试运行。 感谢大家的耐心。





