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Ethereum on ARM

1. Alibaba Filmmaking Arm to Distribute New Movie Rights via代币: Report

... & Hundred Flowers Film Festival on Nov. 20. New film will be released on SingularDTV’s Ethereum-based EtherVision The executive noted that film industry is increasingly discussing the possibilities of blockchain technology in its business models, with Alibaba Pictures actively trying to apply blockchain. The overseas distribution rights for Alibaba’s “Striding into the Wind”...


2. 独立团队为树莓派 4 发布可运行以太坊客户端的 ARM 版定制系统

区块链网络消息,「Ethereum on ARM」团队发布最新可以运行在树莓派 4 中的 ARM 架构定制版 Linux 系统,该系统可以运行以太坊 1.0 和 2.0 的所有主流节点客户端,将树莓派转变成以太坊全节点。团队同时推出新版本的参考文档,用户可以参考文档安装和管理。来源链接免责声明:作为区块链信息平台,本站...

知识:以太坊,Linux,钱包,树莓派,Ethereum on A

3. 每周以太坊,2020-06-21

... 性能和指标监控(influxDB/Grafana),部分支持 eth/65 [1]: <https://github.com/ethereum/trinity/releases/tag/v0.1.0-alpha.36> Eth on ARM 镜像更新 [2]:在 8 GB 内存的树莓派 4 上使用 Geth 快速同步模式可在 40 小时内完成同步 [2]: <https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/hbxrq0/ethereum_on_arm_new_eth10_image_for_the_ra...


4. 获得 IBM 和以太坊基金会科研奖金的编程语言 DeepSEA 究竟是什么?

以太坊基金会(Ethereum Foundation)刚刚宣布了第五批科研奖金名单,共有 7 个项目被授予资金支持,包括: 1) The Matter,一项应用了 zkSNARK 技术的 Plasma 扩容方案; 2) LeapDAO,Plasma 扩容方案「Leap」的新版设计; 3) Py-libp2p,ibp2p 的 Python 语言实现,可以应用于 Eth2.0 研究; 4) Ethereum on ARM ,在 ARM 设备...


5. NKN双周报 2020年7月1日-15日

...te>下载及安装:Linux: https://commercial.nkn.org/downloads/nkn-commercial/linux-amd64.zipLinux (arm64): https://commercial.nkn.org/downloads/nkn-commercial/linux-arm64.zipMac: https://commercial.nkn.org/downloads/nkn-commercial/darwin-amd64.zipNKN2.0生态系统概述小视频工作之余实在是不想阅读博客文章或者了解详细的技术文章?NKN为你贴心奉上了概述小视...


6. 【官宣】Nimbus 更新:V1.2 版本

...标链也在考虑)。重点包括:Beta 版对官方信标节点 REST API 的支持:https : //ethereum.github.io/eth2.0-APIs/。通过使用--rest:on命令行标志启动客户端来启用批量验证和其他改进 -> 大量减少综合 CPU 使用率。改进的验证汇聚逻辑 -> 聚合得更密集,这反过来又改善了网络的整体运行状况,并提高了区块产量。...


7. 对话IdavollNetwork|波卡生态DAO基础设施

... to create and manage various foundations built on any blockchain. For example, any DeFi project on Ethereum will be able to run its heavy governance process on the Idavoll Network (because of scalability issues governance will be expensive and slow on Ethereum) through the Polkadot bridge chain, the DAO. The results of its governance on Idavoll will be executed on Ethereum, enabling various proje...


8. 每周以太坊,2020-09-06

...xandria:一个覆盖在最新的节点发现协议上的状态网络骨架 <https://notes.ethereum.org/mh6eVBRIScagdTG4Jx4XUg?view>EIPEIP 的提出流程变更:将 “弃置” 重命名为 “撤回” [1] 并取消实现作为核心要求 [2] [1]: <https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/2941>[2]: <https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/2940> E...


9. Staking之星对话行业领袖第7期对话ETH2.0核心开发者|标准共识

...为以太坊区块链上有价值的 DApps、智能合约提供支持。负责开发 Prysm,它是 Ethereum 2.0 的全功能分片客户端,采用 Golang 语言,可提高事务处理速度。Prysmatic Labs 的团队成员拥有分布式系统到云计算的各种背景,强调用测试驱动的方法,实现系统的首个分片客户端。此次嘉宾分别为 Prysmatic Labs 的联合创...


10. Staking 之星对话行业领袖第 7 期 对话ETH2.0核心开发者|标准共识

...为以太坊区块链上有价值的 DApps、智能合约提供支持。负责开发 Prysm,它是 Ethereum 2.0 的全功能分片客户端,采用 Golang 语言,可提高事务处理速度。Prysmatic Labs 的团队成员拥有分布式系统到云计算的各种背景,强调用测试驱动的方法,实现系统的首个分片客户端。此次嘉宾分别为 Prysmatic Labs 的联合创...


11. Ethereum's price consolidates; descending triangle projects negative pullback

Ethereum recorded a significant rise on 25 October, registering a growth of over 14 percent. However, the 2nd largest crypto-asset has been going through a consolidation phase since. Over the past week, ETH has been moving sideways between the range of $180 and $190 and at press time, its valuation was recorded to be $186.65. 12-hour chart Source: ETH/USD on Trading View The 12-hour chart for Et...


12. OccamRazer创新的CardanoDeFi生态层

...一步。Judy:Why did OCCAM choose Cardano among many public chains and transfer the liquidity on Ethereum to the Cardano ecosystem?链有很多,OCCAM为何最终选择了Cardano,并将以太坊上的流动性转移到Cardano生态上?Mark Berger:Occam.fi aims to become one of Cardano’s smart DeFi layers, and as such we are focusing on building out a set of components aimed at catalysi...


13. 玉言|vEmpireDDAO-入侵元宇宙

... what will be its cost?Dominic Ryder:Yes so the approximate time is because the time is measured in Ethereum blocks, these average 12–18 seconds but they vary so the time will change in the weeks leading up to the sale, but we will reset it to within 1 minute of 20:00PM BST on the day of the sale. In regards to the other points, as well as the launch on Unicrypt, the VEMP token will also be IEOi...


14. 三元社区联合IdavollAMA访谈

... to create and manage various foundations built on any blockchain. For example, any DeFi project on Ethereum will be able to run its heavy governance process on the Idavoll Network (because of scalability issues governance will be expensive and slow on Ethereum) through the Polkadot bridge chain, the DAO. The results of its governance on Idavoll will be executed on Ethereum, enabling various proje...


15. 脉动新闻|以太坊基金会发布两个ETH2.0攻击网供黑客攻击

以太坊基金会发布了两个以太坊2.0攻击网,供黑客破解以换取漏洞赏金。The Ethereum foundation has released two Ethereum 2.0 attack networks for hackers to crack in exchange for vulnerability rewards.以太坊基金会发布两个ETH 2.0攻击网供黑客攻击新闻。Ethereum foundation releases two eth 2.0 attack networks for hackers to attack.以太坊基金会已经...
