Essential Steps to Keep Your PiCrypto Wallet Secure 保持PiCrypto Wallet安全的基本步骤 ? With advancement in technology our world has changed for the better, but it has added an increased personal responsibility of maintaining our online security. Today we see an ever growing crypto phishing attempts where bad actors are trying to scam the innocent people.? 随着技术的进步,我们的世界已经变得越来越好,但是它增加了维护我们的在线安全性的个人责任。今天,我们看到了越来越多的加密网络钓鱼尝试,其中不良行为者试图欺骗无辜的人。 Wondering what are the best practices to adhere to safeguard your precious crypto currency "Pi Coins" assets? Let’s take a look here as how to stay safe and protect your funds.想知道坚持保护您的宝贵加密货币“ Pi硬币”资产的最佳实践是什么?让我们在这里看看如何保持安全并保护您的资金。 1.Start with a Secure Foundation for Your Wallet Private Key!Make sure your device is free of any malware and never install Pi Network App onto a rooted device. To make sure you are always using an authentic version of Pi Network App, you should download the App exclusively from the links provided on our website: or go to Google play store/ Apple store to download App. 1.从为您的钱包私钥建立安全基础开始!确保您的设备没有任何恶意软件,并且永远不要将Pi Network App安装到有根设备。为了确保您始终使用的是Pi Network App的真实版本,您应该从我们的网站minepi.com上提供的链接中独家下载该应用程序,或前往Google Play商店/ Apple商店下载该应用程序。 2. Never Share Your Recovery Phrase or Private Key with AnyoneYour funds are only as secure as you keep your recovery phrase, never share it with anyone. Keeping them secret and secure is of utmost importance to protect your wallet from any unauthorized access.2.切勿与任何人共享您的恢复短语或私钥您的资金只有保留您的恢复用语才安全,切勿与任何人共享。确保它们的机密性和安全性对于保护您的钱包免遭任何未经授权的访问至关重要。 3. Keep a Copy of Your Recovery Phrase/ Private Key Offline.Always keep a copy of your recovery phrase stored offline send to you email ! Writing it down on a piece of paper? is the easiest solution. If you want something more durable then paper eg. (diary), I recommend you to take a look at CRYPTOTAG 272 and their products. An encrypted text file, stored inside a USB drive, also works. With the help of a “Password Manager” you can save a digital backup of your recovery phrase (and any other password you choose) into a single encrypted file that you can store on one - or multiple - USB drives.3.使恢复短语/私钥的副本保持脱机状态。始终保留离线存储的恢复短语的副本,并发送给您电子邮件!将其记录在一张纸上是最简单的解决方案。如果您想要更耐用的东西,那么可以使用纸张。(日记),我建议您看一下CRYPTOTAG 272及其产品。存储在USB驱动器中的加密文本文件也可以使用。借助“密码管理器”,您可以将恢复短语(以及您选择的任何其他密码)的数字备份保存到单个加密文件中,该文件可以存储在一个或多个USB驱动器上。 4. There Is No Reset or Recovery Process. Always Keep a BackupRemember to always keep a backup copy of your recovery phrase. In the event your phone is broken, stolen, lost or the app is accidentally deleted, your wallet can always be restored on a different phone using the recovery phrase. There is no reset or recovery process; lose your phrase and you lose your funds with it!4.没有重置或恢复过程。始终保持备份切记始终保留恢复短语的备份副本。万一您的手机坏了,被盗,丢失或应用程序被意外删除,您的钱包始终可以使用恢复短语在另一部手机上恢复。没有重置或恢复过程;失去你的短语,你就会失去它的资金! —- 编译者/作者:大帅谈派 玩币圈申明:玩币圈作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币圈平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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