关注Qtum量子链的小伙伴们,Qtum量子链每周定期开发进展更新来了,以下为2017.08.07 – 2017.08.13更新内容 本周(2017年8月7日)开发进度 漏洞修复: [EVM/共识机制] 修复了一个关于最小gas price共识规则的漏洞 [DGP/共识机制] 提高了最大连续区块size的上限,使得DGP可以在SegWit区块也正常工作 已完成的工作: [Build系统] 重做build系统,不再采用以太坊的cmake系统。在Qtum代码仓库中直接导入了crptopp库。同时改变比特币代码的一些依赖关系,使其兼容cpp-etheruem [Build系统] Gitian Build系统已经可以在全平台正常工作,这使得无论在Linux,Windows还是OSX下都可以比较容易地完成编译 [文档] 更新了gitian和发布进展的相关文档 [DGP/共识机制] 把DGP共识规则的部分逻辑从CheckBlock移到ConnectBlock中,从而修复DGP规则可能导致的初始同步失败 [AAL/共识机制] 确保“deleteAddress”列表在运行结束后被清空。这是之前测试网络1中性能问题的主要原因,因为列表一直没有被清空,合约执行会随着Qtum节点的持续运行而变得越来越慢 [EVM/共识机制] 禁止EVM CREATE opcode创建包含币的合约。合约必须先被创建,然后再发送币 进行中的工作: * [其他] 正在进行发布测试网络-2的最终测试和准备工作。准备工作将在本周完成。测试网络2(量子天际网络)将尽可能和主网保持一致。在测试网络2之后直到主网发布之前,我们不打算再增加共识机制相关特性,在此期间我们会主要专注于开发一些非共识的特性(比如新的GUI等),并进行一些漏洞修复 以下为英文部分 Week of August 7th Changes made through this week to the core wallet Bugs fixed: * [EVM/Consensus] Fixed a bug with the minimum gas price consensus rule * [DGP/Consensus] Increased the maximum serialized block size to allow DGP to work properly with segwit blocks Work completed: * [Build System] Reworked the build system so that Ethereum's cmake system is no longer used. Imported cryptopp directly into the Qtum repository. Reworked some Bitcoin dependencies so that they also work with cpp-etheruem * [Build System] Made the Gitian build system work properly for all platforms, making it possible to easily do deterministic builds for Linux, Windows, and OSX. * [Documentation] Updated the gitian and release process documents to work specifically for Qtum * [DGP/Consensus] Moved several DGP consensus rules to ConnectBlock rather than CheckBlock, fixing a bug where DGP rules could cause initial syncing to fail * [AAL/Consensus] Ensure that the "deleteAddress" list is always cleared after execution. This was the cause of a major performance problem in testnet-1 where contract execution would get slower and slower the longer a Qtum node remained running * [EVM/Consensus] Disallow the EVM CREATE opcode to be used to create a contract with coins. Contracts must first be created and then sent coins In-progress work and soon to be fixed bugs: * [misc] We are doing final testing and preparing to create the final testnet-2 network. It will be complete this week. Testnet-2 (skynet) should behave as close as possible to the mainnet. We do not intend to add more consensus features and will only add non-consensus features (such as new GUI work etc) and bug fixes through this period. —- 编译者/作者:Qtum量子链 玩币圈申明:玩币圈作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币圈平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
Qtum量子链每周开发进展更新2017.08.07 – 2017.08.13
2017-08-15 Qtum量子链 来源:Qtum量子链
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