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no response to getwork using as stratum

1. What is the Nature of Blockchain?

...pplications are almost all distributed architectures, which are used to solve data backup, optimize response speed, and improve TPS. However, in these distributed architectures, there will be almost one or even more levels of central servers, which we call the "Client-Server Model " architecture. The functions of the main server are different. They are generally used for user portal, scheduling, r...



...圾邮件等相关发送记录的参赛权。Prize will be fulfilled by the Sponsor. Winner will be responsible for paying any taxes and any other expenses incurred, including any income taxes, sales or use taxes, value added taxes, goods and services taxes, etc. Throughout the term of this Sweepstakes, you will provide SendEOS with any forms, documents, or certifications as may be required for Se...


3. Whichexchangehasneverhadafundsecurityincident?Bealerttoplatformrisks

...ng Commercial Daily tried to interview Xu Mingxing himself on many occasions, but did not receive a response for a long time.In addition to OK Chain Group, the CEO of OKEx platform also responded. The person stated on Weibo that "please rest assured that the company, business, and platform operations will not be affected. It is a personal issue of the private key manager, and the withdrawal will b...


4. Swarm推动七号矿场持续发展

...chain. gbjp666, a small mining expert, calls and stores data at any time, so besides the three main response capabilities of CPU, memory and hard disk, it also requires bandwidth transmission speed. If the transmission is fast and stable, the more stable the reward will be.七号矿场基于对分布式系统、区块链共识机制、数据存储等技术的深厚积累和对IPFS超过3年的研...


5. 七号矿场无处不在

... distribution service protocol, and it is a local service layer of Ethereum Web3.0, which is mainly responsible for providing data and bandwidth on the Taifang storage chain. Swarm, intelligent contract and Whisper (data encryption interaction) form the three pillars of Ethereum web3.0. BZZ is a functional token issued by Swarm, which is a fuel for decentralized storage and bandwidth using Swarm.w...


6. 保持Pinetwork钱包安全的基本步骤

...ancement in technology our world has changed for the better, but it has added an increased personal responsibility of maintaining our online security. Today we see an ever growing crypto phishing attempts where bad actors are trying to scam the innocent people.? 随着技术的进步,我们的世界已经变得越来越好,但是它增加了维护我们的在线安全性的个人责任。今...


7. 七号矿场享受FIL红利

...d from other nodes on the network. Distributed network reduces the attack surface of censorship. In response to the censorship by the Spanish government, the Catalan government used IPFS to upload previously banned websites and open them to the public.Filecoin专为高度冗余、高可用性和高度地理复制的存储而设计。虽然没有人能够应对所有数据丢失情况,但我们...


8. PiNetwork项目方3位联合创始人3月7日亮相阐述Pi将进入第二阶段的战略概况

...testnet.What do you think of our initial strategy for Phase 2 of the project? We welcome both video responses (just paste a link to a social media post) as well as text responses by joining the topic below. For video response, please upload your response on Instagram, Twitter, or YouTube using the hashtag #PiPhase2 and post a link to the video in this topic.翻译:欢迎收看我们的视频系...


9. 走在前端的涡轮蜂巢矿机

...现商业化实施。At present, IPFS distributed storage industry has more than 36 industries, in response to the national call to promote the implementation of distributed storage technology, to prevent industry risks, formally established the China Distributed Storage Industry Alliance.In addition, top domestic and foreign companies such as Alibaba Cloud, Tencent, Huawei, Asus, Google, Netflix,...


10. AEX丨异构跨链黑马Nerve如何引领DeFi区块链时代

...ree tiers: Common nodes, consensus nodes, and virtual bank. Different tiers of nodes have different responsibilities in the network. Due to differences in responsibilities, the weights of the nodes is related to the node tier. Node weight influences reward amount.The virtual bank is responsible for the maintenance of cross-chain assets, including the creation and management of multi-signature acco...


11. PAI Care: 用于远程患者监测的个人AI健康助手

...r weight, taking medications on time, and managing and reporting their food intake. The patient’s responses are transmitted immediately to a remote patient management center and displayed in a patient monitoring dashboard that displays the condition of the patient color-coded from Satisfactory (Green) to Critical (Red). Patients whose responses identify their case as critical also trigger immedi...

知识:区块链,医疗,PAI CARE

12. CreamFinance被闪电攻击损失1900万美元

... contract where any address “can register which interface it supports and which smart contract is responsible for its implementation.”Related: Beleaguered DeFi project xToken suffers second major exploit since MayFollowing the attack, both the Amp token and Cream Finance’s native token, CREAM, saw a notable price drop, with Amp plummeting nearly 13% over the past 24 hours. At the time of wri...


13. 对话IdavollNetwork|波卡生态DAO基础设施

...sms, etc., all organized with a unified smart contracts logic. As ancient gods used to divide their responsibilities to better rule the universe, organizations working on Idavoll protocol (companies, open source projects, NGOs, foundations, hedge funds…) will be able to delegate decisions to its members, control their activities and rule our disputes, while staying completely on the decentralize...


14. 三元社区联合IdavollAMA访谈

...sms, etc., all organized with a unified smart contracts logic. As ancient gods used to divide their responsibilities to better rule the universe, organizations working on Idavoll protocol (companies, open source projects, NGOs, foundations, hedge funds…) will be able to delegate decisions to its members, control their activities and rule our disputes, while staying completely on the decentralize...


15. 异构跨链NerveNetwork如何助力Defi腾飞?

...分为三种类型:普通节点,共识节点,虚拟银行。Berzeck:The ordinary nodes are responsible for functions such as transaction collecting, block and transaction verifying, and providing services for applications.Ordinary nodes will allocate consensus incentives based on the proportion of pledged assets in the pledged assets of the entire network.译文:普通节点:普通节点...
